You spend most of your childhood running round being a little bastard and causing complete havoc (or at least I did), you have the attention span of a gnat on crack so you very rarely watched TV or at least never got round to watching something regularly. It's only when your older, wiser (alot less sober) and slow down enough that you realise how AWSOME some of those TV programs you missed where. Captain Scarlet, Thunderbirds, Joe90, Stingray, Thundercats, DrWho, Scooby Doo, Inspector Gadget, Doug, Pinky & the Brain, Animaniacs, Dinosaurs. Most of these shows have better acting and better, more beleiveable storylines than shows aimed at adults, why? Because people put more effort into kid's tv-programs! Kids are a big market, they want everything, everywhere and for that reason it pays to put effort into making the show. So next time your bored, instead of watching some crappy daytime soap, pick up a Thundercats DVD instead and put that on!
Unknown "butt monkey" Tired
- 17 years, 2 months, 26 days ago