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25660 pts
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Unknown's tales
I shall call this tale RA to the WR or RAWR if you will! Ok so this last March 17th, or as most of the world knows it the Lame Excuse to Get Drunk day, I was not surprised to see people actin the fool and being lame! Hell someone even started a fire that was deemed the largest fire in San Francisco this year! I dunno what it is about going to college in Chico, but this stuff is just annoying. I mean seriously! In Chico, you get so used to being chronically drunk that you know how to not act the fool on Lame Excuse to Get Drunk day! Also, in Chico you don't need a reason to drink! You just do it! I dunno, after seeing this "holiday" in the big city..... yeah in the words of Queen Victoria "We are not amused"
Unknown Ferocious
- 16 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Stupid day! I hate the 14th of February! Here are my top 5 reasons why! 1. It is a pointless celebration of nothing 2. I don't need an excuse to be romantic and buy my significant other gifts. 3. I am single 4. This lovey crap that is everywhere always seems so fake and forced even when I was in a relationship 5. People wish you "Happy Valentines Day" like it's fucking Christmas, I mean it's not even a bank holiday so don't wish me Happy V-Day unless you find it amusing to point out that I am still single. :) So Happy Singles Awareness Day all you bitter people out there. And for you lovers, enjoy the force romance of February 14th.
Unknown Ferocious
- 17 years, 22 days ago
I call this one Orca! Breaking rough glass The sounds crash down Reforming the mass That lies all around. Together they are strong Alone a great fear No challenge lost When threat is near. Intelligence unscaled Beauty often missed Living in a world Of water and mist. Jetting through seas Burst into sky In both worlds they exist For in both they can fly
Unknown Ferocious
- 17 years, 1 month, 22 days ago
OK so this weekend sucked! I was out in, what the News people are calling, "The Storm of the Decade" here on the west coast for 8 hours..... yea this whole male bonding shit with my father really sucks when the only thing he likes to do is hunt..... anyways.... yeah.
Unknown Ferocious
- 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
So last night was amazing! We tried to go to this one kinda lame rave, but it was sold out and then we found this other one out in some warehouse. It was a blast and this has to be the best year ever after that party! I <3 raves!
Unknown Ferocious
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
Ty Ty's Magical Shop of Funness!
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