We don't have information about this Facebook user. They need to sign up at HumanPets.com.

67007 pts
"Latex Cheetah"
28890 pts
"Randy's Randy"
22930 pts
"Hombre Lobo"
3090 pts
"Mr. Darcy"
130 pts
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Unknown's tales
RIP, Cabbit Trooper May 2007 - July 29, 2008
Unknown "Mahkêsisiskwêw" Content
- 16 years, 8 months, 3 days ago
PLEASE THUMB ME! I THUMB BACK! And please, if you're going to thumb me, thumb ALL the comments on my page, not just mine, otherwise that's kinda unfair to the others. Also, leave a message or a comment to return the favour and you'll be thumbed back (unless my parents' strange firewall/blocker prevents me from doing so immediately). Also, don't just SAY you've thumbed me unless you actually HAVE, since I actually DO look occasionally to see if I've been thumbed recently and by whom.
Unknown "Mahkêsisiskwêw" Content
- 17 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
I NOW HAVE AN AWESOME SHOP! Take a look, please >^.^< I has some very cool things. Feel free to suggest other merchandise.
Unknown "Mahkêsisiskwêw" Content
- 17 years, 2 months, 18 days ago
A little notice for my pets, or those who wish to be my pets: 1) I will usually automatically buy you back. If you do not wish me to do so, let me know and I will let you be bought away. 2) If there is anything in particular you want of me, let me know. 3) If you are upset about being put "for sale," don't worry, you won't have to deal with me for much longer probably. More may be added to this as time goes on.
Unknown "Mahkêsisiskwêw" Content
- 17 years, 2 months, 19 days ago
Why the Owl Hunts at Night Owls all used to be daytime creatures. Owl had always been one of the wisest creatures, and many of the People flocked to him to hear his words of wisdom. Many birds of prey took the opportunity caused by this and ate their fill of the rodents that had made their homes near him, never leaving any for Owl to eat after his speeches. He tried rising earlier to catch the mice when they ran out of their holes to collect the bits of grain that had fallen off the stalks during the night, but some of the other birds soon caught on, and then he wasn’t able to eat at that hour either. So, unhappily, Owl went back to his regular sleeping habit. A few days later, another idea struck him. He had kept an eye out as to the habits of other creatures, hoping to find a clue to answer his own problem through his observations. The Coyote in particular caught his interest. “That Coyote sleeps late into the day and hunts at night. He seems to profit well from this method. Perhaps I should do the same.” He thought to himself. And so he set his plan into action, rising later and later each day. Soon he slept through the entire day; rising only after the sun had gone down. His dark coloration and silent wings helped him not to be noticed by many, but some creatures did. That is why there are nocturnal creatures, like the owl, but not as many as diurnal creatures. This spread helped the day become balanced and let no creature be hunted to extinction by another animal. Coyote’s job done, he stood up and brushed himself off, walking back to the Creator. Peace was once again restored to the world.
Unknown "Mahkêsisiskwêw" Content
- 17 years, 3 months, 15 days ago
Kitsune's Shoppe
I have all sorts of neat stuff. If there's something you think I should have that I don't, let me know >^.^<
Most recent customers:
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"Llama King 🦙"
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"The sweetest"
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