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"Moo Moo"
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Unknown's tales
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I want a cookie does anyone have a cookie for me =^-^=. I'll be ur best friend =^-^=
Unknown "Rico" Seductive - 17 years, 11 days ago
If people thumb all my pages and leave me a comment saying they thumbed me I shall thumb u back. =^-^=
Unknown "Rico" Seductive - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
I know its late but hope every one had a HAPPY NEW YEAR =^-^=
Unknown "Rico" Seductive - 17 years, 2 months, 3 days ago
sorry It took so long to post up the entire thing facebook was being all BLEH on me. anyway enjoy the story and if I get enough thumbs up I'll put up more stuff. well see ya =^-^=
Unknown "Rico" Seductive - 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
Thylios's Tale continued part 3:

"Did you think I would let you go before I am sure of your work? I am not as naive as my son, Doctor. You may wait here until sundown. Hopefully your words are as true as the amount left in that bottle. If not," he sneered. "You had best hope that you have an antidote in your bag as well." Leaving the room, he closed the door with a bang and locked it from the outside.
Thylios sank against the wall in dismay. Asp had not promised him protection. Now Thylios would pay for disobeying the King. He clutched the vial, disputing whether or not to take the rest himself. It would surely be a kinder death than what Kave would do to him when he found out that Thylios had not completed his task. Shutting out the whimpers of the servant girl in the outer room, Thylios waited for the consequences of whatever fate awaited him.
He didn't sit there for long. Kave burst into the room as the moon began to rise, his face contorted into a mask of anger terrible to behold. Clapping two manacles about Thylios's wrists, he fell upon the Doctor, his fists a rain of blows that left him broken and bloody. When Kave drew back, breathing heavily, he spied Thylios's bag and lunged for it, seizing the vial inside and twisting off the lid, scenting its contents.
"Hah! I'd know the scent of Bodrich's Bane any day. A shame it is such a gentle poison, but is it not fitting for such a gentle Doctor?!" Seizing Thylios by the hair, he wrenched his head back and emptied the liquid into his mouth. "Swallow!" he bellowed, twisting his nails cruelly into his scalp, making him gasp and choke. Thylios swallowed what he didn't inhale. The King released him, tearing his fingers away and throwing him to the floor. "You chose your fate. What a shame that the bride and his borne will perish anyway! I'll let you die in the agony of knowing that your death was perfectly, utterly worthless." Slithering out the door, he slammed it shut, not even bothering to lock it. Thylios moaned in pain and dragged himself upright, the effects of the poison slowly making him feel dizzy.
It wasn't long before Mercury's soft voice reached Thylios's ears. Asp obviosly hadn't told him about his father's attempt on his life, and he stood in the throne room trying to, however humbly, present his child to the King. Kave would have none of it. Seizing the infant, he flung it across the room, but Asp appeared in the doorway and saved the baby just in time. Thylios strained to hear, but his arms were weak and his ears were buzzing loudly. The father and son began to fight, and after a long while, everything suddenly went quiet. He shouted as loud as he could, praying that someone would hear him. The shrill voice of a nagi pierced the air, and suddenly Asp was by his side. Darkness crept up around the edges of Thylios's vision.
"My Lord, you're bleeding......"
"Never mind about me.....Oh Thylios....." he spied the vial and seized it, his eyebrows shooting up upon reading the label.
"Poison.......It was intended for Mercury and your son," he rasped, pointing weakly at the copper-haired naga. Mercury's hands flew to his mouth in horror. The baby naget began to wail, so he took the child and left the room quickly.
"Thylios, tell me quickly. There must be an antidote!" Asp lifted his head with a bloody hand.
"Yes, I made one.....its in a red bottle in my the cabinet." Asp almost straightened, but called to the nagi in the throne room. She appeared instantly in the doorway. He barked instructions at her and she fled, returning after what seemed like hours later with the bottle. By that time, Thylios was barely conscious. He hardly had the ability to swallow when Asp poured the liquid into his mouth.

Two days later, Thylios attended to Asp, whose wounds were severe. The naga was grateful, but scowled every time Thylios forced another dose of something into him. Thylios had recovered quickly, but his left hand was still slightly numb from the aftereffects of the poison. He had it i
Unknown "Rico" Seductive - 17 years, 2 months, 22 days ago
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Mark Baker
You, your friends, and your friends friends friends are cordially invited to join the Have You herd. Keep up to date on everything that is HP at the Have You herd.

Mark Baker "Hubby" Loving - 16 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Your welcome.

Soon all will join the pillow fight! I hope I don't get hurt too badly though.
You have been given Friends.
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Asma "Mr. Moo Cow<3" Sparkling - 17 years, 9 days ago
Lol, nice. Well I bought the ice cream from Jahn's. Its on like 37th Avenue and I think 81st street. Their ice creams are awesome.
You have been given M&M chocolate cookies.
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Asma "Mr. Moo Cow<3" Sparkling - 17 years, 11 days ago
Rosa Morales
hi, thanks 4 the pet:d
Rosa Morales "Hun'" Adored - 17 years, 14 days ago

You have been given Dancing Anime Girl.
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Tiffany Cheeky - 17 years, 17 days ago
Thumbs for you~ ^^
Unknown "sweety" Adventurous - 17 years, 21 days ago
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Unknown's shop
chez moo moo

all things moo and mrawr

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love and show love. =^-^=
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250 pts
love and show love. =^-^=
Bought by 5 people
Love at first site
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Love at first site
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did u just touch MY PET!!!
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250 pts
did u just touch MY PET!!!
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ninja love =^-^=
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ninja love =^-^=
Bought by 11 people
I made u this =^-^=
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250 pts
I made u this =^-^=
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love every moment =^-^=
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love every moment =^-^=
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this cookie will eat you!!!
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300 pts
this cookie will eat you!!!
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kitten lick just for you
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kitten lick just for you
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chibi dancing
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chibi dancing
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shake it baby
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shake it baby
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handmade cupcake for u =^-^=
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handmade cupcake for u =^-^=
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Chibi sheep
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Chibi sheep
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love me?
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love me?
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best cake just for you
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best cake just for you
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rock it out
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rock it out
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