well... back in richmond now, started my new job, all is going well have not yet heard back from the sheriff's office, but, if i can get full time with fastenal, i might just take that instead, wouldn't have to work weekends and holidays, so either way, i should be pretty well off anyway, just an update, until next time!
Unknown "Atum" Sad
- 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
The application processes and such well, first off, things are pretty much down to two different agencies, a campus police department, and a co sheriff's office my police department oral board interview didn't go so hot, but didn't go bad either, Thomas made it in, but i haven't gotten a call, and tomorrow is the last day for calls, ill be honest, i don't really expect a call, but oh well, its all good the sheriff's office is going pretty well tho, made it up to my polygraph exam, and i think i did well on it, even tho i will never know, the results are kept secret. if i make it through this next step, all i have left will be my background investigation (which i already made it through without a hitch for the police) and then a personal interview with the Sheriff himself. hopefully everything will go well *knock on wood* wish me luck guys!
Unknown "Atum" Sad
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago
love life, because you only live once, and what is the point of that life if you dont get the most out of it
Unknown "Atum" Sad
- 17 years, 2 months, 10 days ago