Oh has it been a crazy day. 100mph races, cops, and drugs. Seems like a movie. A freinds missed his flight today, and when he called to reschedule they told him he could get on a plane later that night, the only thing is that he needed to go to the airport and settle it there if he didnt want to pay the 200$ reschedule fee. So james takes him to the airport. no problem, he comes out running and asks james to take him home to pack that he HAS to be on the next flight if he wants to go...james only have an hour, and following the speed limit he lives 25 minutes aways. So im speeding down swurving through traffic 50 to 60 to 70 going to 100mph on a high way. going 80 on 45's 90-100 on 70's. we get there... now this guy is going to vegas.. he runs in his house and comes out with wads of cash, so much he had to stop and pick up some bills he drops. With that he gets back in the card and james speeds back to the airport... arriving cops are all over the front with their lights on becaused theres been a drug bust still speeding, but with distracted cops james swurves around them and drops of his friend with 30 minutes left till the flight... as for checking in the bags.. that as his problem then...
Unknown "express" Inspired
- 17 years, 28 days ago