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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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"My Precious"

Unknown, 44/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:25 AM
Join date:17 years, 3 months, 8 days ago
Location: Geneva, OH United States

"Beauty is truth and truth beauty."
About me:
I'm great ... yea, that's about it. I'm a Christian, and I'm an English major. I love books, poetry, hanging out, movies, and music. I like to be silly and have a good time, and I love to laugh.
Oh and I <3 my Mistress so don't buy me!
About you:
I like people who are fun and clever. I like people who can joke around and be silly as well as be serious and have discussions.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds: Whatever You Want, The Writer's Notebook, Have You
"Rat Girl"
525 pts

"Too Cute♥"
420 pts
Unknown's tales
1 2 3 4 Next
so my one friend, Morris, has at least 100 thumbs on about 90% of his tales... the most i can get is like 12 or so. that makes me sad. very sad indeed.
Unknown "My Precious" Feisty - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
I feel like I'm going to fall apart. To borrow a cliche, I feel like I'm made of glass that is on the brink of shattering. Melodramatic I know, but it's an accurate description of how I feel. The worst part is that I can't really talk about it, because even putting it into words makes me feel silly and stupid - you know, the whole it's much worse for someone else thing. And so when I feel silly and stupid, I minimalize my problems, and think I've overcome them, but really I've just trivialized them and pushed them away like any good girl would.
Unknown "My Precious" Feisty - 16 years, 5 months, 13 days ago
so, apparently I'm not worth the effort that would be expended in writing a single e-mail, or IM, or talking on the phone once a day. No, not all of the above; one or the other is all i asked for, but I'm apparently not worth it. That's the second time this has happened, and now I think maybe it's true. I'm not worth the effort. It's the worst feeling in the world.
Unknown "My Precious" Feisty - 16 years, 6 months, 1 day ago
School starts next week. I don't know if I'm excited about it, which is sad, but it starts nonetheless.
Unknown "My Precious" Feisty - 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
So, three things of note happened in the last 24 hours.
Thing number 1: I came home from Texas to home sweet Ohio. I really missed my home and my Mom and my things, so I'm glad to be back, although it pains me to ever admit that Ohio isn't the arsehole of the world.

Thing number 2: I donated my hair to Locks of Love. If feel good, and the style looks good, so I'm pleased.

Thing number 3: I got an email from a guy that I liked. The email said, and I quote: I lied ... I'm married. Arsehole. At least he was apologetic about it, he said he's sorry if it caused me pain, which was nice, and I'm glad we never did anything, but still: WTH?

So that's that. Loves!
Unknown "My Precious" Feisty - 16 years, 7 months ago
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You have been given ♥ You Are A Sweetheart ♥.
Crafted by JerzzyBella
Jenocide Buy me!!! Im all cheap now!! - 16 years, 1 month, 10 days ago

You have been given hard work pays off.
Crafted by Calendulah
Jenocide Buy me!!! Im all cheap now!! - 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
Tony H
yeah, but you know what? It turns out there wasn't 3, there was only two, so I guess it was just boobs, boobs. HAHAH
Tony H "Love my Tony" Naughty - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago

You have been given ♡Peach Roses♡.
Crafted by Benny
CATWOMAN "Psyche" Peaceful - 16 years, 1 month, 16 days ago
hows u, My precious??
You have been given ★ Pokey Poke ★.
Crafted by Unknown
Jenocide Buy me!!! Im all cheap now!! - 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
Tony H
Hi Cinnamon! thumbing you again!
You have been given Me and you is friends.
Crafted by Tony H
Tony H "Love my Tony" Naughty - 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Stuff I like

Well, this is stuff I liked and I thought you'd like it too. Enjoy!

A song for you
1 use

250 pts
A song for you
Bought by 4 people
a friendly reminder
1 use

300 pts
a friendly reminder
Bought by 5 people
an angel to watch over you
1 use

300 pts
an angel to watch over you
Bought by 5 people
1 use

300 pts
Bought by 4 people
a pretty flower
1 use

300 pts
a pretty flower
Bought by 15 people
a berry good day
1 use

300 pts
a berry good day
Bought by 3 people
I <3 you
1 use

300 pts
I &lt;3 you
Bought by 2 people
a blankie
1 use

300 pts
a blankie
Bought by 2 people
Dance your cares away
1 use

300 pts
Dance your cares away
Bought by 13 people
You're a peach!
1 use

500 pts
You're a peach!
Bought by 5 people
one of my favorite things
1 use

300 pts
one of my favorite things
Bought by 9 people
something odd
1 use

300 pts
something odd
Bought by 8 people
best friends forever
1 use

300 pts
best friends forever
Bought by 3 people
why don't we do it in the road?
1 use

500 pts
why don't we do it in the road?
Bought by 1 people
please hold me
1 use

300 pts
please hold me
Bought by 13 people

Most recent customers:
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Morgan Stinkfist  Nopants
Morgan Stinkfist Nopants
"Sweet Meat"
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"homeless bighead"
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Black Hearted
"U shall not pass"
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"magic mike ;)"
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Deborah R
Deborah R
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"Hippy CHick"
6703 pts
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