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Unknown's tales
thumb my tales, and i will love you forever. go through my comments and thumb my pages, and i will return the favor AND love you forever!! >^.^< kitty loves you!
Unknown "MY BESTIE" Seductive
- 17 years, 3 months, 5 days ago
Passage from "Chain Smoking Cures Unrequited Love." Full Story = http://thesefilthyhands.deviantart.com/art/Chain-Smoking-Cures-II-55110246 The first time that we kissed was the first night it snowed last winter. The temperature drop came unexpectedly, and people were still trying to get by wearing just a light sweater, visibly shaking from the cold as they went hastily from their cars inside the coffee shop. Me and Carli were still sitting in our normal spots, using hoodies as seat cushions on the metal chairs so that our butts wouldn't get cold and frozen. It was about an hour after close when it finally started snowing, first as one or two solitary flakes of snow uncomfortably clinging to our noses and giving us and undesired chill. Then seconds later, it started falling in blankets, spinning around the street lights and lighting up the sky like white diamonds. I prematurely smashed out my cigarette on the pillar by the table, and grabbed her arm and yanked her out of her seat. We ran into the middle of the empty parking lot and I let her go. She snapped at me angrily, asking what was wrong with me, and why did I take her out of her seat. I looked at her, and said "dance with me." She smiled, and we spun in circles, in some sort of half assed ballroom fashion. I then let her go, and went to my car and turned on the stereo, so that we would have proper music to dance too. We spent the rest of the night slow-dancing to Death Cab for Cutie's album "Transatlanticism," as the snow stuck to our black hair in clumps and our cheeks turned red from the cold. She poked my face, and told me that I looked like a rag doll with my cheeks being so red. I stuck my tongue out at her, and she smiled at me, and kissed me. I stood their stoically, as I watched her scampering away, taunting for me to chase her, but I couldn't move. I just touched the spot on my mouth where her lips just were. It was slightly warm with the light dew of her saliva still clinging to them. I felt the remains of her kiss on my mouth, and I felt invincible. After this night, I was hoping that things would start to pick up between me and Carli, but I found out that her kiss was much more innocent than I had wanted it to be. The next time we hung out, we went to a small party at our friend's apartment. I was drinking vodka and was slightly drunk, and we were dancing in our underwear to old and underappreciated eighties pop music. She slipped on the blankets somehow, and tripped into me, and I caught her. I looked her in the face, as she was laughing over her clumsiness, and I tried to kiss her. Our lips touched, and she quickly pushed me away. I looked at her, and mouthed clumsily, "but I love you." Her happy face quickly turned dark and shallow, and she whispered to me "I'm sorry" and left the room. I stood there, looking at the doorway, hoping that she would come running back, jumping into my arms and kissing me passionately. She never came back, and after a few minutes of staring, I just fell into a heap on the corner of the bed, lit a cigarette, and started committing twelve second suicides for the rest of the night. There is nothing like cigarettes to cure unrequited love.
Unknown "MY BESTIE" Seductive
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Passage from "Chain Smoking Cures Unrequited Love." Full Story = http://thesefilthyhands.deviantart.com/art/Chain-Smoking-Cures-II-55110246 One night shortly after that, when we were sitting at Denny's, Carli told me that she thought she was suicidal. I looked at her for a second, and asked her why she thought that. She exhaled her cigarette and said "I smoke." She tapped her cigarette into an empty creamer container, completely ignoring the ash tray inches away from her hand. It was hard to see it behind all of the trash strewn across the empty battle field that was our table. There were two ashtrays full of burnt and crumpled cigarettes and mounds of empty sugar packets piled high in old French fry bowls and creamer shots still dripping their remains onto the table. "What does that have to do with anything?" I sneered back at her as I put out my cigarette in the overflowing ashtray, spilling ashes over the side. "I smoke all of the time, and I am not suicidal." "I read an article the other day; it said that every cigarette you smoke takes away twelve seconds from your life." She twirled her cigarette between her fingers as her gaze rose up from her shoes and turned into a stone cold glare directly into my eyes. "I am a chain smoker, so I am killing myself twelve seconds at a time. I smoke two packs a day, which means that I am giving up at least eight minutes of life every day." I thought about this for a second, thumbing the half full pack of cigarettes in my sweatshirt pocket. "Then why don't you quit?" I finally said to her as she started to exhale smoke rings towards my face. She looked at me, directly in my eyes, almost glaring, and said "who the hell wants to be old anyways?" I said nothing at this. I just lit another cigarette and starting puffing away. I guess I was suicidal too.
Unknown "MY BESTIE" Seductive
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
Passage from "Chain Smoking Cures Unrequited Love." Full Story = http://thesefilthyhands.deviantart.com/art/Chain-Smoking-Cures-II-55110246 The night I realized I was in love with Carli was one of the last warm nights of the summer. I told her I was taking her to a secret place, and she was skeptical at first, but finally let me lead her to my paradise hidden behind the bars. We parked our car on some side street where we wouldn't get towed, and I grabbed her hand and we started skipping down the wooden stairs and down the cement path. When we got closer to our destination, I let go of Carli's hand and darted off the path and into the woods. I yelled back to her, and told her to follow me. She looked down at the wet and muddy path beneath her, and yelled sarcastically back at me, "You could have told me we were going to play boy scouts and hike through the woods. At least then I could have been prepared and could have worn my older sneakers." She cautiously stepped off the cracked and buckling cement path and started after me. About forty yards into the woods, the trees and dirt gave way to a steel and concrete monolith of a highway overpass hidden in the middle of the forest. The walls of the overpass were covered in faded graffiti tags of obscene symbols and lovers names. I was sitting at the edge of the concrete barrier when Carli came out from the woods, my shoes already off and my feet dangling carelessly over the river as the water splashed up off the rocks and kissed my toes. I waved to her, and Carli walked over to where I was sitting, carefully stepping over the broken glass and half smoked cigarettes that lay strewn beneath her feet. I started to take the pieces of my hookah out of my messenger bag as she stood over me. I noticed the pebbles on the ground around her feet start to jump, and seconds later a train rushed by us on the opposite side of the river. "I wonder what they ship on those trains," I wondered out loud to Carli. She took her cigarettes out of her back pocket and lit one as she watched the train slowly disappear into the distant tree line. "Hoboes, obviously," she said with a smirk and she started puffing at her cigarette. She stayed standing until she was done with her cigarette, looking over the river and listening to the frogs and crickets as their springtime melodies slowly started back up one by one after the departure of the midnight train. She flicked her cigarette over the river, and it collided with a low hanging branch, causing an explosion of embers to plummet into the water beneath, like fireworks. Carli started to kick aside the small rocks and pebbles from underneath her, and she finally sat down next to me. She put her head on my shoulder as I started to light the coal. The flame from my lighter danced all over the coal, letting off a popping sound and the subtle smell of ashes and sulfur. I carefully placed the lit disc on top of the hookah, reached for the hose, and started to breathe in and smoke it. The rolling sound of bubbling water inside the glass base drowned out the cricket's songs, and soon the sweet smell of acai berry smoke started to drift over the river. I looked up at the sky, and let out a long stream of thick smoke. We watched the smoke drift into the tree branches above them, where the cloud of smoke twisted and dissipated, fading out and clinging to the stars.
Unknown "MY BESTIE" Seductive
- 17 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
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