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"baby Koopa"

Unknown, 39/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:10:41 AM
Join date:16 years, 11 months, 3 days ago
Location: Kent, Ohio United States

"I'm the Devil."
About me:
Yep, I'm a dinosaur. I like kittens. I have a boring job, and I live in a state that makes people want to leave the earth. I like to make friends on here, have fun, and be silly. I'll bite you if you make me mad tho. Boys, you should be aware that I am not here to date at all. Please dont talk to me if that is what you want. Also, I lack interest in men. I find most men garish and boring, and am really only interested in women. So just because it says I'm bisexual, doesnt mean I'm going to have a threesome with you and your girlfriend. Or you and some girl. Just leave me alone if you're only interested in getting into my pants. NO BOYS ALLOWED! haha. Seriously tho.
About you:
I'd like to meet anyone else who's a dinosaur.
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Bi
Herds: Poll Whores

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"Loves Unicorns"
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"Hot Asian Chick"
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Unknown's tales
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I been missing for a while. Sorry. I been dealing with life.
Unknown "baby Koopa" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
I went fishing with my dad on thurs. I caught some 30 fish! Most were rainbow trout, and I caught a few brown trout here or there. Dont worry though, I didnt kill all those fish. We tossed them back, which merely made them late for something.
Unknown "baby Koopa" Frisky - 16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
My hair is very long now. It's kind of weird. I'll post a picture someday.
Unknown "baby Koopa" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 13 days ago
(continued from previous post)

Theres a lot of added stress with the MCAT coming up soon and me thinking that I dont have the grades for medschool. I'm panicking, basically, because I dont think I can get that far. I feel like I didnt try hard enough, because I'm afraid of not succeeding. Its a weird paradox.

I keep having nightmares filled with awful murders and skin eating insects and monsters I cant fight or avoid. I keep trying to make my dreams lucid so I can change my dreams, but when I realize I am dreaming and I try to take control, it just becomes darker and more terrifying.

My sleep is not restful, and i often wake up (after sleeping for 8 or more hours) without feeling like I slept at all. I am unmotivated to exercise, or eat. If I do eat, its bad food. I'd like to sleep, but I prefer to avoid my nightmares. I also been retreating from my social life, because I feel that if one friend doesnt give a crap anymore, why should any of the other ones? I go home a lot, even though I been doing things to help my mom, I'm really there because I dont want to be here. With gas around 4 dollars a gallon and my parents a 20 minute drive away, this can be costly when I dont have much money in the first place.

When it comes down to me having nothing to do, I want to die. Hopefully having a mind-blowingly boring job will help me feel less depressed. I hope that going to free therapy at school my help too.

You would think that summer would turn me up, but the sun doesnt make me feel better anymore. And its cold outside anyway, because the ozone depleting is causing the weather to mess up.

Sorry for the dreadfully long and boring post. I promise there will be a better one in the future.
Unknown "baby Koopa" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
There are a lot of things wrong that I cant really account for.

I lied. When I think about some of the things going on, I don't really feel like my unhappiness is occurring without reason. Of course, sometimes the chemicals in my brain have something to do with it too. but that is no reason to think that the lame things people do to me have nothing to do with me being depressed.

I been trying to make a routine; eating good food, exercising, and whatever, but basically I been binging on junk lately because I am so fucking frustrated and freaked out about getting into med school, and trying to get a job, and lack of friends or jerk friends dont help much.

As far as I remember, arent friends supposed to give a crap about you? arent they supposed to be considerate? Sure, its okay to be absent minded every once in a while, and I understand if you have your own problems, but even in the midst of my problems I have always been willing to talk or hang out or be there for a friend that needs it. When someone you know dies, I will be there for you. When I make plans with you, but I have to change them, I call and let you know, instead of letting you sit around wondering where the fuck I am when I said I'd be there. Especially if I knew about it ahead of time, I would tell you.

But its okay, because I already knew she stopped giving a crap about me. If I tell her about something, she usually doesnt listen. When not one, but two tragic deaths occured, she spent most of her time away from me, although she spent maybe a day or two around to show she cared. When her friends were all gone, I was the last one she picked to hang out with, and I think its mostly because she needs a place to stay. She also snaps at me, for simple things; its like she cant stand hanging out with me so she has to pick at whatever she can, without actually telling me that she just wants to stop being friends.

This awful feeling that she no longer wants to be a good friend feels like when you think someone is cheating on you: your instincts tell you the truth, but you dont want to believe it. I'd like to think that she does think about my feelings and that she knows I must be feeling depressed when I tell her all the nightmares I been having. I'd like to think that she wanted to be around when my grandpa died and my friend died, but she thought that since my dad deals with death a certain way, I would deal with it okay too, forgetting that I never had a death of anyone in my life.

(And just so you know, just because a doctor has developed a way to deal with death in his/her career, doesnt mean that a family member or a friend will be dealt the same way. Those are different facets of a persons life, and you cant expect that someone can deal with all parts the same.)

I'd like to think of a million ways to explain why it feels like she doesnt care, but none of them are satisfying. She has always been inconsiderate of my feelings, or really, just me in general. I can tell you many stories just to show it. I'd like to think that I havent fucked up as many times, although I'm not really sure. At least I know I been thinking about her when she probably didnt think about me.

I dont really care if she sees this. Maybe with this she can understand what I feel because I cant verbalize it very well. I been heart broken for a long time, and I feel like this has been dragging on for too long. I'd rather not be friends than feel like shes just hanging out with me because I'm her last option. I promise I'm a better friend than she seems to think I am.

I'll continue with the other things bothering me, later.
Unknown "baby Koopa" Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 17 days ago
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You have been given Ready.
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Unknown "OWNED!" Crazy - 16 years, 1 month, 23 days ago

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Crafted by Chokeslam
Nekosama "Meeooooouuwwwww" Feisty - 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago
heh thanks sweety ^_^
and i love everyone heh
make the world go round
cause hate is just a very un cool word now and days ^_^
xOsity "RaWrOsity" ☆ Kiss Kiss ღ Bang Bang ☆ - 16 years, 8 months, 5 days ago

You have been given Thank You For Stopping By ;).
Crafted by Nikki Nicollette
Unknown "Naughty Boy" Playful - 16 years, 8 months, 15 days ago

You have been given Visit The Dinosaurs.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Darth Nerd" Playful - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
dinosaurs are cool
Unknown "Darth Nerd" Playful - 16 years, 9 months, 24 days ago
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Unknown's shop
happy fun shop!

I sell random things.

Blue Norn Egg
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Blue Norn Egg
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Forest Norn
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Forest Norn
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Cat Attack!
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Cat Attack!
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Purple Mountain Norn
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Purple Mountain Norn
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Yeah, you.
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Yeah, you.
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Creatures Harp
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Creatures Harp
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Dark Side
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Dark Side
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The Hand
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The Hand
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Katamari Damacy
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Katamari Damacy
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