So I'm an english major, today was my first final. The final was a multi-genre project, which is a fancy way of saying I had to put all the work I did on a poster board. I hadn't read the book, I didn't remember the main character's name. I printed all the papers off 15 minutes before class started an glued them onto the poster. I walked into the classroom and saw an array of arts and crafts masterpieces. My reaction: "Crap." My presentation looked atrocious. Some of the folks had created multimedia presentations with automatic slide shows- music included. Luckily for me, I'm quite the charming conversationalist. Also lucky for me, the book was on sparknotes. Long story short I B.S.'ed my way through the presentation and everyone complimented me. Granted, they may just have been being nice, but we'll see. In the meantime I prefer to err on the side of optimism.
Unknown "Shocker" Trusting
- 16 years, 11 months, 5 days ago