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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Buffy The vampire Slayer Rocks
Herds: Thumbing Station, LoveBuz, TAZ ( Total Andhari's Zon, Fallen, Sonya's thumbs
11577 pts

"For Sale"
8986 pts
2554 pts

500 pts
500 pts

"Dreamy eyes"
378 pts

300 pts

"geta rise outa "
277 pts
Unknown's tales
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So i am on spring break and i went home to buy a car. I have insurance and plates, i am good to go. my mom is driving me crazy, so i want to go back to school. my mom says she will cancel my insurance if i leave. she wants me to wait till thursday, she wants someone in the car with me since i have never drivin 2 hours bymyself before. my dad also wants me to wait, b/c he has drivin the car along distance and he doesn't know if it'd over heat or anything.
basically i am like stuck and really pissed off about it. |I just want to go back to school and be with jes.
my fam can just annoy me. they are always talking about every little thing. my mom can't keep her mouth shut. i feel l;iek they are all judging me. my sistyer evfen sauid that she thinks she is better than me. why do i need this shit.
so why do i give dad is really good to me and i would hate to do anything without his blessing.
but i am still mad about it.
Unknown "Kim" Lazy - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
The worst problems are the ones that you cannot do anything to solve. My best friend, the greatest person ever, is having a horrible day and i wish to god i could do something to make it better. But there is nothing i can do, or say. It is just a shitty day. And i am soo sorry.
Unknown "Kim" Lazy - 17 years, 1 month ago
You know, i have 358,000 points. I spent so much time earning points that it took all the fun out of Human Pets. I have nothing to spend them on. I don't have any active pets. I barely chat with anyone. i just thumb and thumb and thumb and than comment, thumb thumb, it finally drove me nuts.
If i own anyone thumbs let me know and i will return. But i don't know how active i will be in human pets.
You helped me get a lot of points and i appreciate it. But i need a reason to be human pets, and just thumbing and commenting for hours seems like a waste without having fun spending them. I don't know.
I really need to start doing lesson plans and papers. Do real life stuff.
Don't thumb this just so i will rtf, i just want to pay back anyone i owe, and than be done with sooo much rtf.
I hope no one thinks ill of me.
Unknown "Kim" Lazy - 17 years, 1 month, 11 days ago
so on this snow day i cleaned my whole dorm, i am very proud of myself. I even washed the floor!!!! And organized all my clothes, go me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! however now jes's side doesn't lok as nice, but i only really lok at my side so i don't really care that much.
Unknown "Kim" Lazy - 17 years, 1 month, 14 days ago
snow day, i naturally woke up a 6 am and was please to find out that i didn't have to go into school, i mean i love teaching, but i like sleeping late a little more. So yeah for the snow, nobody jinxed you. now i have to figure out what i will do all day, would it be sad if i was on hp all day long, no, what else do i have to do...oh shit i have to lesson plan. poop
Unknown "Kim" Lazy - 17 years, 1 month, 15 days ago
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*Poke, Poke* Are You Awake Yet? You have been given *Poke, Poke* Are You Awake Yet?.
Crafted by Ciao Mis Amigos
beaker "beaker" Neglected - 16 years, 14 days ago
Overcover Agent
got your tales
Overcover Agent "deez3" Naughty - 16 years, 27 days ago
looks like neither of us has had much activity on here lately. :p
Unknown "Dragon Shadow" Cheeky - 16 years, 3 months, 7 days ago
creating an auction now
Unknown Sexy - 16 years, 9 months, 11 days ago
That totally sucks. I'm assuming that means you turned it down? What kind of job are you looking for?
Unknown "♥~Matty~♥" Hurt - 16 years, 9 months, 16 days ago

You have been given *snuggles*.
Crafted by -- ALA --
Unknown "Kim" Lazy - 16 years, 9 months, 20 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Kimmy Poop

Inexpensive items, cause points are too hard to earn to waste them

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Buffy the vampire Slayer doll
1 use

200 pts
Buffy the vampire Slayer doll
Bought by 13 people
Diamond Ring
1 use

500 pts
Diamond Ring
Bought by 10 people
Buddy Christ
1 use

200 pts
Buddy Christ
Bought by 4 people
A Kiss in the Rain
1 use

150 pts
A Kiss in the Rain
Bought by 6 people
Kiss Me I'm Irish
1 use

200 pts
Kiss Me I'm Irish
Bought by 5 people
News Flash
1 use

200 pts
News Flash
Bought by 4 people
A Hotel Suite.
1 use

200 pts
A Hotel Suite.
Bought by 7 people
Zebra Sheets
1 use

200 pts
Zebra Sheets
Bought by 16 people
Tennis Bracelet
1 use

200 pts
Tennis Bracelet
Bought by 32 people
Belly Rub
1 use

200 pts
Belly Rub
Bought by 25 people
Special Delivery
1 use

200 pts
Special Delivery
Bought by 57 people
Your my Best Friend!!
1 use

400 pts
Your my Best Friend!!
Bought by 10 people
I made you a cookie
1 use

200 pts
 I made you a cookie
Bought by 6 people
Bed with Satin Sheets
1 use

250 pts
Bed with Satin Sheets
Bought by 56 people
100 Roses
1 use

300 pts
100 Roses
Bought by 6 people
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