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oh, and the hat is one that i found in paris and tried on.... i did not buy it and i regret that decision to this day.
Unknown "THEHockeyPlayer" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
a kidnapping eh? sounds like fun

im getting pretty good at drumming on rock band, and your an amazing singer, so this band is looking pretty good

false. you are the best photographer. no arguing that one.

hmmmm whens your birthday? heheeh the summer sun is almoast here, time to protect those big blue eyes of yours with the best style of glasses money can buy!

poo, you havent found a way that thing works yet? oh well, radio is ok i guess

it wasnt cute for me.... i was knocked down a few notched on her coolness scale.

its snowing here. i hate snow that doesnt know when to die.
Unknown "THEHockeyPlayer" Adventurous - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago

...I'm enjoying looking at your profile picture. =).
Unknown "Shukufuku" Unwell - 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
Indeed we should. I'm gonna steal you and bring you to beaches. Muhaha. It sounds like such an evil plan, this kidnapping. >.>

Haha... no worries, kitteh's not being tortured. ;). It's playtime! ...But I'll let the kitty out just for you.

We have the best band ever. Though I need to respond to messages more... so I'm like the weird band member that the fans aren't sure really exist... >.>

Psh, I was only the best photographer around because there was no one else on the cliff except that random couple I took pictures of. ;). Hehe.

(Thank you.)

Lol if you get me aviator glasses I'll cherish them forever. And maybe even wear them. >.> But not while driving because of a lack of prescription lenses. XP

I've been listening to the radio more often now because of my iPod not working in the car... I'm liking it... except for the rare occasions when nothing good's playing at all.

*giggle* Awww haha. That's cute. (The snow bank.)

La, laaa. I must run now! I have to shower and go to choir soon.

...*pets hair*

Unknown "Shukufuku" Unwell - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
batman using starpower is always hilarious

that walk on the beach doesnt look like its 20 degrees and windy. we should try the kind in the picture.

that poor cat look likes its being tortured. let it out

i like the supercold sun rays. my favorite.

our band is becoming more and more diverse i see....

yeah, i was just luckey the best photographer around just happened to spot little 'ol me on that cliff. that photographer mas some real talent ; )

a world with only me and crazzy women sounds good at first, but even a few normal women can create quite a disaster in a short time, so ill have to pass. a city for the sane sounds good.

i just wish you realized how cool hey are. perhaps i have a birthday present for you as well lol.

im content with my cds and the radio. i listen to radio for songs, and during commercials i switch to cd. works fine for me.

i got stuck in my subdivision in a snow bank while i was showing my little sister how cool i was by sliding. unfortunately my stunt had the opposite effect...

on a happier note: this weekend my family will have 2 more members: 2 baby guinea pigs named Chuck and Norris (named by my little sister). we are going to get them saturday.
Unknown "THEHockeyPlayer" Adventurous - 17 years, 4 days ago
Haha. Saw this and thought of you. ;)
You have been given musical cat.
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Unknown "Shukufuku" Unwell - 17 years, 4 days ago
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