Prevoius tale was just the tip of the iceberg, as once again i can't sleep!
but on the same lines of human society, we have really fucked ourselves up in a big way!
i mean, like everyone is programed from the moment they r born to behave in the same way, with no individuality at all or anything! luckily the human spirit means that not everyone ends up behanivng exactly the same, but alot of them do all tend to act similarly. Then you get those smart enough to break away from this mainstream (not just smart they may be free thinkers, disnhartened, just naturally different ectect) but even then most the time they still can't break out of the most basic things society has programed into us.
For example is ther one person out there, just one who really truley doesn't care what other people think about them, one person whos mind it never crosses?
i don't think so? at least i've never met one? They may say they don't but u just know that it crossed their mind every so often, even if they don't mean it to, they just can't help it!
Unknown Hopeless
- 17 years, 12 days ago