Check out my artwork in my photos and thumb me if you like it! Unknown"Butterbuns"Hungry
- 16 years, 11 months, 28 days ago
I love reality TV! My favorite reality TV show is Big Brother. I actually tried out for the show last season and didn't quite make it and this February is the beginning of the next season. If you think I should be on the next season after that, thumb me.
SO I absolutely love movies, I'm pretty much a movie whore. What's a movie whore? ask. Well it is one who would rather watch a movie than read a book. Someone who has a points card for the movie theatre. Someone that knows extreme amounts of information about movies. If your DVD shelves are completely full and you need more shelves, you're a movie whore. You're a movie whore if your living room is decorated in movie shit. It's someone that compares everything to movies and even quotes from movies several times a day. WELL I'M ALL THESE THINGS, DO YOU THINK I'M A MOVIE WHORE? THUMB ME IF YOU DO....
So I work at a jewelry store, and I've always wondered if all girls like diamonds. So thumb me if you do! Unknown"Butterbuns"Hungry
- 17 years, 16 days ago
Isn't Superbad a great movie?! Unknown"Butterbuns"Hungry
- 17 years, 17 days ago