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"Lûçky's Gïrl"
"Lûçky's Gïrl"
10000 pts
"Steve-a-li cious"
2817 pts
"QT with DoGee"
160 pts
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Unknown's tales
EPIC FAIL for me, I haven't been on in forever. Sorry everyone! Life keeps getting more and more hectic. But now that I'm sick with a cold that won't leave I have more time to return to this wonderful land. Hope everyone is having a good Friday! :o) BTW, WHO named me "Lucky's Girl?" ;o) *Yes, this would be me...*
Unknown "Lûçky's Gïrl" Content
- 16 years, 10 months, 22 days ago
I'm having a seriously gay night. I'm talking to my friend who's a lesbian (who I've also fooled around with before) as well as chatting a bit with two women on HP now who are both lesbians...I dunno, I feel like being more with a woman tonight now! I'm in love with my fiance don't get me wrong, and he's definitely cool with me having a fling now and then (hopefully he can participate sometime soon) but right now I'm just all about the ladies! That's about all... This was probably the lamest thing I've ever written but oh well. :oP
Unknown "Lûçky's Gïrl" Content
- 17 years, 7 days ago
Sorry I haven't been on Human Pets for awhile, I confess I've gotten into Oregon Trail a bit and had a lot of company over at the house. However tonight I'm just irritated that in the past week or more my fiance has been paying little to no attention to me. This includes a definite lack of passion even in situations when one would think and/or expect there would be some. So I'm frustrated right now. The past three nights when he's come home from work I've gotten no "Hi Honey" or even a "Hey"...last night he walked in and said, "Where's the remote?" and we had company over! Tonight he came in and immediately got irritated about our puppy not being in her kennel while I'd been napping. It's just annoying. We're not even married yet and the honeymoon is over. I mean it's fine that way, but still, a little romance and passion, or even a "Hi Honey, I missed you" when he gets home from work would be nice. Right now I kinda want John Stamos to come and sweep me off my feet...although I suppose some thumbs would be nice, too. :o) I'll be back on more again, promise!
Unknown "Lûçky's Gïrl" Content
- 17 years, 24 days ago
So my fiance and I got a THIRD dog! She's so wonderful, 8wks old but we got her from a local shelter/foster home service where they had five puppies from two different litters. We've had her two days going on three today and she's so cute. It's cold in the house today and I've been up all night, so she's been cuddled at my side all night. When she started shaking I covered her with my blanket and put my hand on her which calmed her down. It was so sweet. We're trying to potty train but it's so cold out and with wind chills as freezing as they are we can't risk her being outside for long. So potty training will be a little more difficult because of the weather, but she's getting to know other things pretty well. She did go outside twice two days ago when we first brought her home, though! It just needs to warm up a bit before we can "make" her go outside. She's so cuddly and loves to give kisses. Originally her name was Valentine but since she didn't know it, we've now changed it to Winnie. :o) She's starting to figure it out which is really cute. Well anyway just wanted to share that with everyone. The other two dogs are enjoying her company for the most part as well which is great! Anyway, she's my new default pic. Thumbs for Winnie please! :o)
Unknown "Lûçky's Gïrl" Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 1 day ago
Well, congratulate me all, I went out with my mom tonight for the last time to try on and finalize things with the wedding gown of my choice. It's now ordered and beautiful! I even got some fabulous little extras (well maybe one big extra and some smaller extras) to enhance the look and of course photography. Plus I don't think Steve will see the whole thing ever coming together like it does! I'd say more but just in case I'll leave it at that. All I can say is, HE'D BETTER NOT BACK OUT NOW! lol ;o) Tomorrow we're going to look at our possible new third dog! Young pups at that, but still from the same shelter service we got our first one (Callie) from. It's a great service. I'm excited. It's been a good day and I can't wait for tomorrow morning! :o)
Unknown "Lûçky's Gïrl" Content
- 17 years, 1 month, 3 days ago
Peachy Keen's Pet Shop
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