I'd always quoted "Carpe Diem" thinking it was a great ideology to live your life by.
I thought that I understood its meaning, what it meant and was saying.
I know now that I never really did.
However the events over the last few days have really driven home the whole point of the phrase "Seize The Day".
No-one is invincible, no matter how old or young you are.
How fit and healthy you are. Your life can change at any moment for the better or the worse.
So as patronising as it sounds you should grab any opportunity with both hands, take chances, make mistakes, do the things that you want to do and do them now.
Why wait and then have regrets.
Because even though we're not invincible that's the beauty of being human, we're built that way so we can appreciate the here and now more!
Love and live as much as you can :-P
Rob "Ligerfase" Tender
- 14 years, 25 days ago