So there's this girl I like. I went to a concert for music majors, was talking to my friend while waiting in line. My friend said somethign to the sort of "... like her over there..." and I was talking and turning to see what he meant, "...Blah blah blah bla-*sees girl*aaaaaaaahhhhh...." =O' *blush turn away* Unknown"marble cake"Confused
- 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago
So there's this girl I like. I went to a concert for music majors, was talking to my friend while waiting in line. My friend said somethign to the sort of "... like her over there..." and I was talking and turning to see what he meant, "...Blah blah blah bla-*sees girl*aaaaaaaahhhhh...." =O' *blush turn away* Unknown"marble cake"Confused
- 17 years, 2 months, 7 days ago