Well here I am at the May Roach front desk, supposedly working, but really doing nothing at all. Directly across from me I can see the front door, through which I can see Hansen Hall. I have taken note of this particular scene today because as I look through the glass I am witnessing the direct results of daylight savings time - the setting sun. And it is particularly beautiful today...a gorgeous shade of pink with a light orange hue. With pines silouetted in the background it's almost kind of magical...makes you think, "Wow, I am lucky to be here, to be safe, and to be happy." It's the little things in life, like this simple sunset, that make me think, make me appreciate, all that I've been given throughout my existence. It's philosophical, it's ecclesiastical, it's breath-taking...I am here, right now. I am living.
Unknown "My Girly" Adventurous
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
So, it's 1:16 am and I'm really fricking tired, but since I signed a contract at the beginning of this semester, I must do my duty and stay up until the wee hours of the night busting drunk people and telling loud people to shut up. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind my job. It's just the staying up part I don't like right now...it seems like I have no problem being a night owl unitl it comes time to do my job. And it rather annoys me how inconsiderate people can be sometimes. I don't understand why people have to be loud or rude or illegal. The school would not have to hire people like me to enforce policy if people just had the courtesy to either drink quietly, out of the dorms, or not at all. It's almost as if people like to be caught, like they invite you to bust them. I walked by a room today that had its door wide open with a game of beer pong set up right in the middle and they looked at me like I was an idiot for even thinking that they were drinking. Come on people...why are we in college??? I don't mind drinking, in fact I rather enjoy it myself. I just don't like stupid people and stupid people that become stupid drunks. And for all of you who read this and think, "Hey now, I was/am one of those stupid drunk kids who expects not to be caught!" I don't mean to offend. I just want to know why. Please offer some feedback here. Why do you do it, drunk kids?
Unknown "My Girly" Adventurous
- 17 years, 13 days ago