Pay all your points for me. You must. You have to. I must be bought and sold like some commodity that you cannot get enough of. Use me... well... okay.
You have been put in a hamsterball.
"Crazy Go Lucky"Serene
- 17 years, 24 days ago
You must own me. Own me like that suit in your closet that you only wear for funerals. Keep me on your shelf for eons before using me. I am the mayonnaise in the back of the cupboard you forgot you bought years ago.
"Crazy Go Lucky"Serene
- 17 years, 26 days ago
I need to make comments....
"Crazy Go Lucky"Serene
- 17 years, 26 days ago
Came by to thumb you but you have no comments :(
Claire Webb
"Claire Voyeur"Evasive
- 17 years, 26 days ago