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Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds: THE AMERICAN (U.S.) HERD, i ♥ duckies!, Minnesota is for Lovers, Hedgehog herd
6000 pts

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Unknown's tales

So I brought my digital camera to work after lunch to get pictures of four big huge ugly desks we want to get rid of. It was just afte one, I was moving stuff off one desk so I could take the picture when 2 people came to the door. They needed some copies made. I sat my camera under a ledge. Made the copies, they left. I organized their copies and gave it to one of the attonerys. I was going to take the pictures when I realized I could not find my camera. I looked everywhere I had been, talked to everyone in the office, no one saw/could find my BRIGHT PINK camera. When I asked the managing attorney if she had saw it, she asked me where I had it told her what I knew. She said call the police and tell them what you suspect. So I did and am now waiting.

Seriously though, if you come into a LEGAL AID office, asking for FREE help, why would you ever steal someones digital camera???

Unknown "Duckie" Serene - 16 years, 10 months, 19 days ago
Duckie's Human Pets Cookbook

Taco Pie

One Pound Hamburger
One Large Onion
One Packet Taco Seasoning
One 8oz can Tomato Sauce
One Package Pizza Crust Mix
4 Cup Shredded Cheese (I perfer the taco or mexican seasoned cheese, my mom uses two cups shredded cheddar and two cups shredded mozzerella)
Favortie Taco Toppings

Prepare pizza crust by directions on the package. Spread in bottom of a 9x13x2 cake pan. Set to the side. Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Brown hamburger with half the onion. Mix in taco seasoning by the directions on the package, add tomato sauce. Pour hamburger mixture over the pizza dough. Top with half the cheese. Bake for 30-45 min, or until the cheese is melted and golden brown.

Let sit for 10 min. Serve and top with your favorite taco toppings.

Enjoy . . .

**This is one of my favorite dishes ever, and even though it makes a decent size amount of food it reheats wonderfully in the microwave. I am single and will make this for myself ever few months.**

Unknown "Duckie" Serene - 16 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
I have decided to start posting tales that are semi useful . . . recipes. I will call the series:

Duckie's Human Pets Cookbook

Becuase I am up in freezeing cold Minnesota and it is soup weather I could not help but think of sharing this recipe:

Taco Chili Soup

1 can medium chili beans
1 can kidney beans
1 pound hamburger
1 medium onion
1 packet taco seasoning
1 can corn
4 cups water
1 bag corn chips

Brown Hamburger and onion, add taco seasoning to meat, as per instructions on package. Put Beans and corn in large pan add meat and water, mix well. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 min.

Serve with corn chips.

**I like mine with a shredded cheese on top, and I use the scoop fritos for the corn chips**
Unknown "Duckie" Serene - 17 years, 19 days ago
Sad news from me. So on Wednesday I went to feed my hedgehog, Rita, just to realize that she had escaped from her cage again. I live in Minnesota, so I had a blanket over her wire cage to keep less drafts going to it. I looked along the edge of the cage and Rita was stuck between the cold wall and the blanket. It looked like she got out and then got stuck and froze! Sadly the ground is frozen so I could not offer her a burial in my back yard, and with the number of dogs in my neighborhood I would not want to. But now I am one pet down, all I have is my Cat, Rabbit and fish :(
Unknown Unknown Unknown
Unknown "Duckie" Serene - 17 years, 23 days ago
I am hoping 2008, will be great.
Because 2007, was not heaven.
I was in car accidents - four, and do not want any more.
Tree brances in my sewer pipe, the smell was very ripe.
My puppy died, I cried.
I broke a toe, how I don't know.
I got a new bed, but setting it up I hurt my head.
I bought a house, and found in it a mouse.
I went on a few date, lucky for me neither was my mate.
Since my rhymes are thining, I think it best to go back to the beginning.
I am hoping 2008, will be great.
Because 2007, was not heaven.

Unknown "Duckie" Serene - 17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago

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Lol yeah, avoiding car accidents is pretty important!
Unknown Free - 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Wow, so uh I have been a bad owner :-P How are you doing????
You have been given A Rose for you.
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Unknown Free - 16 years, 10 months, 12 days ago
Pretty good, trying ot cut back on how much time I spend on here :P Other then that, life as usual, boring but steady :)
You have been given hello.
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Unknown Free - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
Hello <3 Just checking in hun!
You have been given Coffee time!.
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Unknown Free - 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago
Just stopping by to see how you are doing, haven't heard from you in a while!
You have been given a game of hide 'n' seek.
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Unknown Free - 17 years, 5 days ago

You have been given A Dolphin.
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Unknown Free - 17 years, 8 days ago
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