Well, I am just a girl who is following my dreams. Or so some would say. Really, there's more to it than that. But that is for me to joy in and those who question to find out. The point is: my life has grand meaning. That is more than most people today even realize truly exists in reality. Some would even say their life isn't worth living, as did my brother.
My brother--at the age I now am--chose the "easy way out" of this life's troubles. He ended his own life. He left a beautiful family of his own (his wife and 2 kids), as well as the family in which he grew up (mine), and many other relatives and friends who loved him. WHY?! He had the rest of his life before him! So WHAT compelled him to end his time on earth early? That is the question so many have asked--not only about my bro, but also about countless others who have likewise taken their own life. It just doesn't ever seem to make complete sense.
I miss my brother. That's a given, I know. I have shed many tears, and cried out with overwhelming longing so often. My imagination brings him back into my life (hypothetically) frequently. The pain and loss in my heart never seems to fade, really. I just became tired with the unceasing crying and depression. Time isn't courteous enough to stop or even pause for anyone in any situation. Life has continued--not as normal--but it has continued. So I have continued.
Life is full of cruelty and unfairness. No one can deny that. Not anyone who has really lived for any significant amount of time. So we have a choice to make. We can choose to allow the burdens of life to overwhelm us continually and weigh us down, or we can choose to be an overcomer and seek the fulness of joy found in the TRUTH of LIFE.
So what is the "TRUTH of LIFE?" the world asks. Some would say it is what you determine it to be. Others claim it is in the faithful following of the requirements of their church, religion, books, or leaders. Still others just hide behind the false front of "I don't know, and I don't care!" None of these things bring the assurance of deep, unchanging inward peace and overflowing joy despite circumstances. None of these bring simple yet enthralling and motivational meaning to any life.
I am humbled that the knowledge of such great and free love, power, and meaning has been made known to ME. Who am I? I am no greater than anyone. I am definitely not worthy of this vast expanse of glorious beauty which has been shown as mine! And yet...it is mine. :) Wow. AND NOT ONLY MINE: it can be anyone's! That's what makes it even more beautiful and amazing!! It is something of which desire has filled up to the brim and is even overflowing in me to share!
Who will seek this treasure? That is who will find it. Who will question everything they believe to be truth in order to either reconfirm that "truth" they know, or to find something more genuine and satisfying? It is worth it. Open up your minds and most of all your hearts. You'll never regret the finding of this TRUTH of LIFE.
Unknown "Chinagirl" Calm
- 17 years, 1 day ago