I love to think about things to come...almost as much as things have been. Not that I have control over either but a plan is a plan right? My philosophy is that that it is better to have a plan and have God change it then to have no plan at all and expect God to control you like a character on your X-box. Some may disagree with that and that is okay.Anyway on to my future...
I have always seen my future as positive, and sometimes I believe it is the only thing that causes me to be motivated...and not give up on life altogether. As every girl dreams, I expect to get married. I plan to graduate from SBU with a math major (with my physics minor), and most likely married or very close to the brink of it. After completing my BS...I have two options...one is to go to UMKC for a year or two working towards my masters in Opitcal/Electrical Engineering in which I would eventually move to a university with such a program...my other option is to go to Alabama Huntsville and complete my masters here. After doing so...I would probably find a job and start a family. I would raise my children the best that I could, and try to prevent them from making the mistakes I have made, but will have them well diciplined. I'd love to live in the country with four-wheelers, a pond (maybe a pool?), have a lanbryth (be freaking sweet!) and maybe raise cows...though I know nothing about cows, maybe sheep? And enjoy the hiking, swimming, running, and outdoors. I'd love to host masqurades, and little parties where I invide all my great college buds up...
Also in my future is trying to stay close to my siblings, and spoiling my nieces and nephews....hehe...
I'd like to support a missionary as well as one of those kids you get their picture on a little card and get to write to them. I've also considered foster parenting teens.
I'd like to get a job working for Casio, Texas Instruments, or Kodak...I wouldn't mind coaching a track/cross country team...
I'd like to also start a revolutionary school... a school where a teaching certificate wasn't necessary only a masters or an expertise in a certain area...with the best possible teachers, and the best methods for each individual...based upon their weaknesses and strenghts.This would be extra cool if I could get it gov't funded.
Another plan I have is to start a college fund for my children when they are young...so that they have that money if they need it.
I see myself enjoying a great family where we play pinocle every Saturday night...and get along much better than my family ever has.
I wouldn't mind living in a different country...and I wouldn't mind doing something cool.
The future is unclear but if I make it to retirement...I think I'll teach...maybe at the school I bring to life...
My future is the hope that I will bring something to others lives that were brought to me later when I needed them sooner...
And of course the best future is in God's hands...and somehow...I'm okay with that.
Unknown Ecstatic
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago