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Unknown's tales
I love to think about things to come...almost as much as things have been. Not that I have control over either but a plan is a plan right? My philosophy is that that it is better to have a plan and have God change it then to have no plan at all and expect God to control you like a character on your X-box. Some may disagree with that and that is okay.Anyway on to my future...
I have always seen my future as positive, and sometimes I believe it is the only thing that causes me to be motivated...and not give up on life altogether. As every girl dreams, I expect to get married. I plan to graduate from SBU with a math major (with my physics minor), and most likely married or very close to the brink of it. After completing my BS...I have two is to go to UMKC for a year or two working towards my masters in Opitcal/Electrical Engineering in which I would eventually move to a university with such a other option is to go to Alabama Huntsville and complete my masters here. After doing so...I would probably find a job and start a family. I would raise my children the best that I could, and try to prevent them from making the mistakes I have made, but will have them well diciplined. I'd love to live in the country with four-wheelers, a pond (maybe a pool?), have a lanbryth (be freaking sweet!) and maybe raise cows...though I know nothing about cows, maybe sheep? And enjoy the hiking, swimming, running, and outdoors. I'd love to host masqurades, and little parties where I invide all my great college buds up...
Also in my future is trying to stay close to my siblings, and spoiling my nieces and nephews....hehe...
I'd like to support a missionary as well as one of those kids you get their picture on a little card and get to write to them. I've also considered foster parenting teens.
I'd like to get a job working for Casio, Texas Instruments, or Kodak...I wouldn't mind coaching a track/cross country team...
I'd like to also start a revolutionary school... a school where a teaching certificate wasn't necessary only a masters or an expertise in a certain area...with the best possible teachers, and the best methods for each individual...based upon their weaknesses and strenghts.This would be extra cool if I could get it gov't funded.
Another plan I have is to start a college fund for my children when they are that they have that money if they need it.
I see myself enjoying a great family where we play pinocle every Saturday night...and get along much better than my family ever has.
I wouldn't mind living in a different country...and I wouldn't mind doing something cool.
The future is unclear but if I make it to retirement...I think I'll teach...maybe at the school I bring to life...
My future is the hope that I will bring something to others lives that were brought to me later when I needed them sooner...
And of course the best future is in God's hands...and somehow...I'm okay with that.
Unknown Ecstatic - 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago
Tommorow is a New Day ~ A Poem (owned by me if you want to use is please ask)

Though the day is full
Of misery and strife
Let it go my child I say
For tomorrow is a new day

When those wounds won’t heal
And hurtful words may pierce your soul
Take heart my child of dismay
For tomorrow is a new day

Though betrayal may hurt you intensely
And leave you feeling empty
Dear child learn to love in a new way
For tomorrow is a new day

When bitterness and disregard
Leave you guarding your heart
My child forget your past’s forte
For tomorrow is a new day

Though disillusions may misguide you
And your path left crooked
Set right those wrongs my child, today
For tomorrow is a new day

When you cause more harm
Than you ever wanted
Dear child don’t let your friendships pay
For tomorrow is a new day

Times will pass
While hard memories will last
But bring hope my child
For tomorrow is a new day

Unknown Ecstatic - 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago

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You have been given angel.
Crafted by Unknown
FireLily "Collection" Neglected - 16 years, 7 months, 18 days ago
Hello, I swear that i am not a creep i just found this site and am trying to make friends
FireLily "Collection" Neglected - 16 years, 7 months, 18 days ago

You have been given BUBBLES.
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Unknown "The Big Show" Feisty - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
Anuar Jamlus
Not sure why you'd want a labyrinth near your house, but here you go... pretty sure cows and labyrinths don't mix well though :)
You have been given labyrinth walk .
Crafted by
Anuar Jamlus Peppy - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
Anuar Jamlus
Blue is my favourite colour... but need a bit of green to spruce things up a bit :)
Anuar Jamlus Peppy - 17 years, 2 months ago
Anuar Jamlus
Little something for you...

and if you can't find anything soccer related I could use something green for my pad :)
You have been given a diamond star.
Crafted by
Anuar Jamlus Peppy - 17 years, 2 months ago
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Unknown's shop
Erica's Boutique

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Running Shoes
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Running Shoes
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Night in the Ice Hotel
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Night in the Ice Hotel
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Black squirrel
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Black squirrel
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