Ok ok, I have a funny, I have to tell yall...well if anyone reads this. For all of yall that do know me this won't come as a shock, cause if you know me, you know my family isn't, well all there, if you don't know me, then you will learn. Before I tell this tale I have to tell everyone 2 things, 1. My mother owns a title company, and 2. I don't know everyones names involved. Ok, well anyways, another thing to tell you is my brother and my step dad both work for my mother (I'm the smartest in the family, I don't work for her..lol). Well anyways, someone from a real estate agency or another title company asked my brother Shawn to accompany them to some kind of event this past friday (yeasterday) (this of course happened like thursday). My brother, being the dipshit he is, informed the lady that he was unavailable because his girlfriend was having his child, Ethan Michael. Real stupid on my mothers part because she has been hounding us since we graduated high school for a grandchild. Anyways, the lady that asked him told a friend of hers, that works for my mother about Shawn and asked about the baby. Well, the girl laughed and called my step dad Keith to ask if he knows an Ethan Michael. Well Keith runs the name through a search for Real Estate people and Title People and has no idea who Ethan Michael is. Well they keep talking about him and Keith informs this girl that Shawn sometimes uses an alias to bed women. Well the story came out. Keith realizes Shawn has just stooped to a new low, but really what could he do besides laugh. Well someone at the bank across the parking lot of my mothers business caught wind of this. Because this bank does a lot of business with my mother and the other people in my mothers building that don't work for her (there are 2 others) they decided to pull a little prank. So they go to Bentley's office, Bentley works for the state of Texas and is one of those in my mothers building. So they call Shawn and The State of Texas comes up on his caller ID. So he answers and they tell him they are some attorney and have some child support papers for him to sign in the case of his child that was born that morning. Shawn freaks out. He has no idea who is calling, all he knows its the State of Texas. So he goes most of the day, til he calls mother freaking out. He informs her that he can't think straight and he's overwhelmed and don't know what to do. That some chick is claiming that she is having his child and wants child support and all that. Finally, through a lot of tears from laughing so hard, the story came out. Shawn of course was embarrassed as hell...and well me, being the great sister that I am, have no intentions of every letting him live that down. hehe. Maybe he will learn to use a better excuse next time. lol
Unknown "M.Kitten" Frisky
- 16 years, 11 months, 29 days ago
Ahh more tales, I am sure everyone has noticed my gorgeous girls in those pictures with me. Hard to believe birthdays are coming up. My niece Matti, the taller girl in the white just turned 6. So hard to believe, and my niece Sarah, the girl with the hair sticking up will be 2 in April. I feel old. My God-daughter will be 2 in June and they are the youngest. Makes me feel old, but really enjoying watching. Its amazing watching them turn into these individual people. One minute you are holding them in the hospital and they are these aliens. All they can do is burp, scream, sleep and poop, and the next thing you know they are the flower girl in your cousins wedding and you are spending 2 hours keeping their brother and sister away from them so their mother can do their hair. Wow. Now if we can get past the potty training for Sarah then I will really really feel old. Oy
Unknown "M.Kitten" Frisky
- 16 years, 12 months ago
Here is my tale, I am Catherine, became Katey Dan in college...long story there. I work way too much for someone with 3 college degrees and go figure, I miss school so much I plan on going back for a graduate degree in Forensic Psychology and a teachers certification. I hate being bored, I love to cook, read, swim, and hang out with my friends and sorority sisters. I need help managing time, money, and life but I enjoying fucking up as often as I do simply because i know that I made my own mistakes and I did it because I at one point or another i thought it would make me happy, and thankfully even some of my greatest mistakes are the ones I am glad I made. Without them, I wouldn't have my amazing friends or my most precious memories.
Unknown "M.Kitten" Frisky
- 16 years, 12 months, 2 days ago