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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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Unknown owns this human at 31500 points.


Last login: over 3 weeks ago

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Herds (lead): Knighthood Fanatics
Herds: Careful...... We Bite, Lesbians!!, Suicide Girls, Bi-Les Girls <no guys>, Lesbian/Bi Furballs

50 pts
Unknown's tales
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Check out the new Knighthood Herd I made... Knighthood Fanatics
Unknown "Nails" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
I'm thinking everyone should check out my knighthood and come play!!!! it is SUPER FUN!!!
Unknown "Nails" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 14 days ago
The Journey Part 1

Dark and dank the cavern is,
The tunnel winding underground.
Light is almost nonexistent,
As she travels further down.
Her heart is hammering,
Blood thunders in her veins.
Gasping as she runs,
Her chest screaming out in pain.
Adrenaline is pumping,
Sweat dripping from her face.
Slipping on a broken stair,
Fighting in a desperate race.
Fire ahead is her only hope,
But perhaps her foe as well.
Inside this broken Earth,
It is impossible to tell.
She stumbles through into the light,
Across a cracked and ancient floor.
Falling weakly to her knees,
Staring up at the sacred door.
Her bloodied hands are shaking,
Fear fleeting through her eyes.
At last she has found her home,
A temple of truth among the lies.
The echoes from the stairs,
Remind her she is not alone.
She uses all her strength to stand,
Her blood staining the ancient stone.
The great door groans upon its hinges,
As she pulls with all her might.
Fear begins to creep back in,
Her mind screaming it's not right.
She has not come this far to quit,
And so she gives it everything she has.
The echoes growing closer,
Her breath fading far too fast.
Finally her efforts are rewarded,
As the door begins to move.
And without any time to spare,
She falls into the forgotten room.
The throne of the ancients sits before her,
The air within the tomb fills her very soul.
So many centuries are contained here,
So many things she did not know.
As she looks around in wonder,
The beast of Hell growling at the door.
She knows that she is safe at last,
And so falls, dieing, to the floor.
Unknown "Nails" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
Game of Love

I can feel the time slipping,
The days drift away.
A very cruel trick,
That the heart tends to play.
Never letting go,
Of what it wants to have.
Blinding the mind,
To everything bad.
Nothing else matters,
But the beat from within.
Consuming your soul,
Destined to win.
You can try all your life,
To battle and fight.
But you will give up,
In the dark of night.
As you lie alone,
And try to sleep.
From the back of your mind,
The images creep.
Never letting you rest,
Never once letting up.
They will eventually conquer,
Even those that are tough.
The heart beats go on,
And it never let's go.
Maybe there are some things,
Only your heart really knows.
Perhaps there's a reason,
That it holds on so tight.
Perhaps in these cases,
The heart really is right.
No matter how hard,
You try to forget.
Your heart will remind you,
And you begin to regret.
No reason is good enough,
No logic rings true.
For the heart needs no reason,
For the things it will do.
It will push and pull,
It will drive you insane.
For in the end,
We're just a part of the game.
Unknown "Nails" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
The Lovers

The sun is slowly sinking below the horizon,
Turning the sky a brilliant shade of red.
Lieing down upon the woolen blanket,
She sighs and soflty rests her head.
There she lies with the one she loves,
Wrapped up safely in his arms.
She feels so happy and content there,
Never fearing any kind of harm.
Their fingers are interwined,
He holds her so soft and yet so strong.
The blissful world she escapes to,
Is one where nothing can go wrong.
She rests her head upon his chest,
Lisentening intently to the strong beat of his heart.
He breathes in deep and kisses her head,
She hopes they never drift apart.
He smiles as he looks at her,
He cannot believe he finally found "the one".
As he thinks back about how they got there,
He is shocked by how it all begun.
All those years of long talks at night,
Those days of being just a friend.
He never dreamed of seeing the day,
When she would be his until the end.
Never once back then had he thought,
That his best friend would become his love.
Those days of listening to her boy problems,
Of having her cry while he gave her hugs.
All those times she had dealt with,
All the girls he had brought home.
He couldn't believe he had never seen,
Just how close the two of them had grown.
She gently holds him tighter,
Trying to get closer if she can.
The sun is almost completely gone,
She leans up to kiss her man.
The sun vanishes completely,
Giving the moon the entire sky.
There the lovers remain,
Knowing they are each other's until they die.
Unknown "Nails" Naughty - 16 years, 10 months, 15 days ago
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Happy Valentine's Day!!
A Valentines Day Cupcake You have been given A Valentines Day Cupcake.
Crafted by Danielle
Unknown "Playful" Playful - 16 years, 24 days ago
hey there, lady. : ) just wanted to stop by and say hey... so hey... : P hope you're having a good night...
Just Creepin' You have been given Just Creepin'.
Crafted by Nicole Marie
Unknown "Playful" Playful - 16 years, 28 days ago
welcome back. : ) do you plan on visiting more often, or was it just the one time? : P yeah i don't get on here as much as i did before... i don't have much time for it anymore. : ( makes me sad... but it's much more worth making the effort when other people such as yourself are here... then i can actually give out all of the cool stuff i find. ; ) see you around... : )
Sending Some Love Your Way♥ You have been given Sending Some Love Your Way♥.
Crafted by Dark Flame
Unknown "Playful" Playful - 16 years, 1 month, 7 days ago

You have been given Hi ^^.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Playful" Playful - 16 years, 4 months, 6 days ago

You have been given vampire.
Crafted by Minerva
Unknown "Playful" Playful - 16 years, 5 months, 14 days ago
hey i just wanted to say that i hope things are going better for you.
You have been given Just thinking of you....
Crafted by Cristine
Unknown "Playful" Playful - 16 years, 7 months, 26 days ago
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Unknown's shop
Over the Rainbow

A store for anyone looking for lesbian, gay, or bisexual things to buy.

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gay symbol
1 use

200 pts
gay symbol
Bought by 22 people
Eat a Beaver
1 use

250 pts
Eat a Beaver
Bought by 43 people
Pride Flag
1 use

200 pts
Pride Flag
Bought by 6 people
Rainbow wine
1 use

200 pts
Rainbow wine
Bought by 5 people
Get Naughty
1 use

250 pts
Get Naughty
Bought by 4 people
bisexual symbol
1 use

200 pts
bisexual symbol
Bought by 22 people
lesbian hug
1 use

200 pts
lesbian hug
Bought by 40 people
Super Gay
1 use

200 pts
Super Gay
Bought by 17 people
Wanna PLay?
1 use

250 pts
Wanna PLay?
Bought by 4 people
Not for Show
1 use

200 pts
Not for Show
Bought by 3 people
1 use

200 pts
Bought by 7 people
Taste the Rainbow
1 use

250 pts
Taste the Rainbow
Bought by 44 people
You're so hott
1 use

200 pts
You're so hott
Bought by 13 people
Can't hide the pride
1 use

150 pts
Can't hide the pride
Bought by 7 people
A trip over the rainbow
1 use

250 pts
A trip over the rainbow
Bought by 12 people
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