About me:
i bet you didn't read 90% of the quotes though read them some are funny.....Come on......Please? but anyway, I am just a simple guy with complex ideas, or was that the other way around.... hmmmm. Honestly i think i apologize to much(infact have been told i do so but , i am sorry i cant help it) I like to laugh, i like to listen, i enjoy many of the simpler things in life . I am a big fan of photography( i love to take pictures not be in them Hence why i only have one of myself) Logic typically rules my world, aside form my habit of asking bizarre and oddly timed questions..i.e. who do you think will pick up ken harvey???. Answer The Twins. Be honest you didn't know that did you??? Not much else to say. I am probably the least cool person to ever use facebook or myspace etc. I am horrible at talking about myself, i feel i come across as a egomaniac. Anything you really want to know just ask. Just expect simple short honest answers with a tad of my own odd form of wit in there.( its weird but its what i do.) On a side note i do Love my Cubbies, Hope to see a little Husker football. And kinda a Royals fan. Oh, one last oddball note i got offered a blowjob in chicago in exchange for 30 cents and a cigarette... no lie. Also had a home run lined off my face at Wrigley field (didn't spill the beer and i got the ball) Yeah i am that guy got nailed in the face with a batted ball form 400+ feet away in a crowded bleachers section. Hey some of us just have that odd type of luck.