Tragedy øf Hamlet
Søn øf an Ørganic Chemist øf Denmark
SN2 ør SN1? That is the questiøn.
Whether tis kinetically first ørder in the RDS
Ør bimølecularly gøverned in a cøncerted way
Shøuld the leaving grøup leave,
And by leaving a carbøcatiøn render,
Whilst the nucleøphile gently bides
Før such time as subsequently
Nucleøphilic additiøn it døes dutifully engender?
Ør døes brazen nucleøphile sø fret and rage
That by backside attack it døes perchance
In cøncørd with a new bønd førmed
The leaving grøup bønd sø virtuøusly sunder?
And øh før sweet stereøchemistry
Is’t there akin tø certain SN1
Such førtune that the nucleøphile is løath
Tø make excessive attack
At øne catiøn face ør t’øther
Whereupøn nøt even great Hercules cøuld with his labørs
Prevent pøør scrambling øf the late øriginating cønfiguratiøn.
Ør døes the sway and sphere øf cøncert
Cønstraineth inversiøns cønfiguratiønal
That rectus must needs becøme sinister
And sø sinister must perførce yield up rectus?
Unknown "~QT~" Evasive
- 17 years, 2 months, 6 days ago