
Name: |
B Grimm, 39/Male
Last login: | over 3 weeks ago |
Local time: | 6:26 AM |
Join date: | 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago |
Location: | Lenexa, KS United States
About me:
I love to play the violin (classically trained), I love to take photographs, and I design ornamental ironwork. I love my life, family, and where I work. I live in my own apartment, and I own my own car. Oh yeah, guilty pleasure... I'm a Trekkie!
About you:
Looking for: | Friendship and dating |
Orientation: | Straight
| Herds: | Sex Kittens, Nakedity Now, Nerds are Sexy, *~Herd Orgasm~*, cleavage lovers, N B B, Nudity without Crudity 16+, Kinky Kitties, Nude pic swappers herd, WE LOVE BIG BOOBS, mIkAeLaS hErD | |
B's tales
So... I've been trying to use HumanPets throughout the day, and well, it's not working properly! Sad, right? Well as soon as it's working again, and I get some free time... I will get back here. I will catch all of you later!
B Grimm "Ironman!" Sleepy
- 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago
Good old Labor Day. I'll admit, as much as some labor sucks around here, it's still good to have a day where people can just relax, and perhaps gain renewed interest in performing said labor better, after the holiday. Yet, while Labor Day is supposed to be a respit from the hours spent working for the American Dream, many a company have sales and enticing offers aimed at making one run about the maze of life, even when we want to take it easy. Oh well, I spent most of yesterday cleaning and reorganizing my apartment. Then I went out to a movie with a friend. We saw "Tropic Thunder." I enjoyed it, and I would recomend seeing it on the big screen, if anyone has any interest at all in seeing it.
B Grimm "Ironman!" Sleepy
- 16 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
Alright. So it's been a little while since I've posted on this thing, and I'll admit, I'm a little annoyed right now, but I let you know why. 1) Today, it is EXTREAMLY hot outside. Yes, we here in the mid-united states are have been under a heat advisory from Friday morning thru Monday afternoon. GOOD GRIEF! Also, in TYPICAL American fashion, I went out to run errands and pick up 6 things from various stores. After visiting 3 different stores (one of which was under renovation for like the 2nd time this year) I had only found 1 of the items I was looking for! All hail the American way... YEAH, RIGHT! Effing rediculous. ANYWAY, other than that, I'm keeping cool in my apartment right now, and hitting the town with my friends at night. So I guess it's not all terrible ;-) Catch ya'll later!
B Grimm "Ironman!" Sleepy
- 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Ok, so I'm still super busy and it has been causing me some kind of stress, but by the end of July at the latest, this job will be all behind me. I'm workin straight through to the finish line!!!
B Grimm "Ironman!" Sleepy
- 16 years, 9 months, 1 day ago
I've been pretty busy this last week guys, and I'll continue to be pretty busy through this next month even, so we will see how often I make it back to Human Pets... Catch ya all later!
B Grimm "Ironman!" Sleepy
- 16 years, 9 months, 16 days ago
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