A possible interpretation of reality
-I am within my own reality, the only real thing, Just as in your reality, you are the only real thing, and i do not exist and am simply a product of your reality. (Or perhaps when we interact with people, our realities, intersect. A sort of "meeting" between realities)
And within the space of this reality are the spaces which we inhabit, these spaces exist only between the time we enter them, and the time before we leave them, and when we leave them, they no longer exist within our reality, unless we choose to once again enter that space.
Why then could we not simply make these spaces manifest themselves at will?
this is because, though this reality is our own, it is still governed by the laws of logic mathematics and time.
For example, though these spaces manifest themselves when we enter them, it would be logical to assume that they do so, in a logical manner, therefore we cannot simply open the doors of an office build and then magically appear on another planet, because it doesn't make sense for this to be correct.
next issue-Intersecting realities (in more depth perhaps)
-Perhaps when we interact with one another, it is not ourselves that interact, but our realities themselves?
And for a fleeting instant you exist alongside or within their reality, as they do in yours
-And for a moment they do exist, like the idea of manifesting spaces only, I suppose we could refer to them as -"Radicals" or "Radical spaces"/"Radical Manifestations" Whereas locations like your home or an office building could be classified as "stable Manifestations" for the reason that in your reality, Logically they manifest themselves exactly where they should everytime, unless they are phisically destroyed within your reality.
So who/what are we?
I could propose that each one of us, is a universe within a reality, or simply a reality, or even that our minds represent a universe (the internal)
that controls, or at least in part manipulates our bodies/the outside world/what's going on around us (the external)
When we are born, both our reality(external) and our universe(internal), are very small because we haven't yet explore our reality enough to have it grow, and our univers (internal) is at it's base level, and though the tools exist to allow both to growthe process has not yet begun (the process could perhaps be triggered by a sound or a smell or the face of your mother, what ever the case, after the "trigger" is set off the tools within your internal gradually begin working to build them selves up, and in turn, to build your reality.
Unknown "kain" Intrigued
- 16 years, 1 month, 5 days ago