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Thanks for visiting my profile Carolyn!!!
Unknown Frisky - 16 years, 9 months, 21 days ago
wow. I never deal with that crap. thats a shame.. and a pain. most of jackson's (my high school) drama is limited to purely talk. the only thing we are famous for are our snobby rich kids and stoners. we have a good basketball team too. well I hope all that works out, at least when you graduate you ont have to deal with it anymore. :D

The person I asked was really special. she said yes to another guy, and then her parents told her she cant go. so i promised I wouldnt go unless she did. and I wouldnt really want to go now- the group i would be going with doesnt like me too much and it would be very awkward to go where you dont fit. its so expensive too. If I wanted to go, it would cost approximately 500-600$!
I wish you luck with your project- maybe just watch some other choreography and copy a move or just draw inspiration from it.
I'll be in DC for spring break so I may or may not be able to get on. but if you find me on myspcae, I will have lots of pictures! (I hope) It will be nice to get away from it all for a week.
Unknown "my guitar hero" - 16 years, 11 months, 8 days ago
Oh wow. what did you do? my drama is just drama, I dont think we (I use 'we' although i do not actually include myself) commit any misdemeanors along with all our crap. thats too bad.
its columbia tower in seattle on may tenth. I think Im just going to skip it now. no point in spending that much money unless I know the person well. I just dont want to deal with all of it anymore.

Just do something dramatic as a finish. I dont know what you choreography feels like, but a big finish would feel better than a stretched out and boring one. but you probably know that. I cant really say what to do. can you backflip or somersault or something?
Unknown "my guitar hero" - 16 years, 11 months, 9 days ago
I would have to honestly say that this is one of the most emotionally tiring months of my life. Ive been dealing with a lot of drama (which is sometihng that I detest) between some close friends of mine. I got rejected on a prom invite (again more drama) and have overall a very strange month. Im not unhappy, just getting exhausted.
Whats wrong with your project?
Unknown "my guitar hero" - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
oh my gosh HI its been a long time since I have gotten back to you!

Live has been throwing some insane curveballs my way and things are only now starting to cool down. How's life?
Unknown "my guitar hero" - 16 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
here ya go!!! :D
You were taken on a trip! You have relaxed in Hawaii.
Unknown "Makea" Carefree - 16 years, 11 months, 27 days ago
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