I've seen a couple people who have had these on their page, and I love reading them. Being bored, I figured I'd give it a shot...
1. What time is it? 12:23 AM
2. Name: Katie
3. Nickname? McHutch
4. Piercing? Just ears...perhaps more later.
5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (So cute!)
6. Eye Color? Blue/Gray/Green (Depends on what I'm wearing)
7. Place of birth? Richmond, VA
8. Favorite foods? Artichokes, Mac and Cheese and Franks!
9. Ever been to Africa? Nope, but hopefully soon!
10. Ever TP (toilet papered) something? Haha, yes, fun times!
11. Love someone so much it made you cry? ...perhaps?
12. Been in a car accident? Nope...surprising really.
13. Croutons or bacon bits? Mmm, bacon bits!! (If you've never had a peanut butter and bacon bits sandwich you're missing out! Sounds gross I know, but it's a delicious tradition with my northern family!)
14. Favorite day of the week? Saturday: get to sleep in, get to stay up late, and there's always something fun going on!
15. Favorite Flower? Lily of the valleys and Tulips (how can you not after going to Amsterdam, they have the most beautiful flowers ever!)
16. Favorite sport to watch? Anything played in shirts and skins! ;) But probably soccer or rugby...
17. Favorite drink? Anything with pomegranate!
18. Favorite ice cream? Ben and Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace (or any of B&J's flavors really)
19. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney, duh! I'm still a 6 year-old girl at heart.
20. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell...yeah, yeah, I know, but who can resist the incredibly fake Mexican allure?
21. What color is your bedroom carpet? Well, at home, it's wood, but a beautiful deep purple at school.
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None! Thank god!
23. How many languages do you speak? 2, English (native) and French (pretty fluently)...
24. What do you do most often when you are bored? Yay for the internet!! But otherwise reading and just wandering around outside enjoying nature! ^_^ I'm such a hippie.
25. What time do you go to bed? Haha, it varies. Usually after 1, and by the end of the semester it gets to be around 4-5 every night.
26. Favorite TV shows? Lost, Heroes, British comedies (especially Are you being served?, Faulty Towers and Keeping Up Appearances) and basically anything and everything on Discovery Channel, and the actual historical shows (NOT focusing on breaking down a war exhaustively...) on the History Channel.
27. Last person you went to dinner with? A bunch of friends from high school as a reunion dinner after we all got back from school.
28. What are you listening to right now? Alternating between Phantom of the Opera and Sweeney Todd
29. What is your favorite color? A bright spring green, although the majority of dorm room is a deep purple as that is a close second.
30. How many tattoos do you have? None, I'm not too much for things that permanent.
Unknown "One Cool Cat !!!" Lonely
- 16 years, 2 months, 2 days ago