1. Top to bottom - Me, Mel, and Wifey at our traditional sleepover every time we have a break from school.
2. Fall 07 - Me and Wifey after going to see a show at Montgomery College
3. Halloween 2007, disheveled musician (not that its much different than I normally am, hehe)
4. Me, Dana, and Angela - William and Mary fall 07! we were shopping at UKrops for homemade pizza ingredients!
5. Summer 07, Great Falls, VA - i went hiking with my friend Karl, this was during the few weeks when I had the chops
6. Spring 07 - End of second semester at CUA, decided to shave off the beard and turn it into wolverine chops. This was supposed to be a hugh jackman (<3)
7. Fall 07 - Me and my faithful teddy bear Samwise "sam" teddy bear XVI
8. Spring 07 - My beard at its longest, right before I turned them into chops!
9. Winter 06 - End of first semester finals week, we decided to give everyone mohawks and celebrate punk-rock Christmas! i went to my philosophy final looking exactly like that.
10. Summer 07 - Right before my hiking trip with Karl. When I eat, my werewolf comes out sometimes, hehe Growl...
11. Winter 06 - Punk Rock Christmas again
12. Summer 07 - Taking pictures of shadows... it can be deep if you think about it too much
13. Summer 07 - Tis a wonderful feeling to feel the water and sand moving beneath your feet... ahh
14. Summer 07 - I got to meet spiderman (so hot!) at Disney this summer!
15. Fall 07 - Sarah and I, two of a select few piano majors at Catholic. me and sarah are awesome, plus japanese people just rock in general!
16. Spring 07 - Proof that I can sleep anywhere, most easilly on the DC metro
17. Spring 07 - Me and Asian (ryan) he is a great photographer (RSB) and does all my professional shots... really cool kid too
18. Fall 07 - oops, whats that on my neck? ; )
19. Winer 06 - Punk Rock Christmas, pre-costume
20. Spring 07 - Kennedy Center premiere with violinist Ana Quijano. We played Beethoven Spring sonata for piano and violin, and Dvorak sonata. Large crowd, very exciting!
21. Summer 07 - Photo by RSB, Ward hall at Catholic University's benjamin T. Rome school of music.
22. Summer 07 - photo by RSB, Ward hall at Catholic University's benjamin T. Rome school of music. - this later became my 2007 CD cover! (let me know if you want one, I will ship it to you ; )
23. Summer 05 - This was my photo for a while, but then I grew a beard. Interesting to look back when I had no facial hair...hmm
24. Fall 06 - Photo by RSB, practicing for piano juries while my friends made me nervous. Studio of Dr. Jim Litzelman at CUA
25. Fall 06 - Photo by RSB, my hands playing, I believe, a Mozart sonata K576 in D Major
I hope these pictures stay in order ; )
Unknown "Coniraya" Growling
- 17 years, 1 month, 18 days ago