AHHH....I've been awake too long. Its the end of the semester and shit is hitting the fan. Welcome all-nighters:( Unknown"josephh"Wild
- 16 years, 10 months, 13 days ago
- 16 years, 6 months, 18 days ago
Yesss u should definatley pop in, haha..i'd take you on a tour of the local pubs & clubs =) Gosh Im so bored right now =l
- 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
Errmm this year im hopefully going2 Magaluf =) Havent booked it yet tho =l If u manage2 go Ireland u shu stop off here...Ireland isnt so far away =) What sort of music do u listen2..do u kno like Bloc party, Arctic Monkeys, MCR or anything like that?
Same....just doing university work & going out clubbing every thursday, fri & sat =) funtimes =) But now I have £10till pay day (2weeks time) so wont b able 2go out =( Hardly ever use this anymre..am a bit addicted 2myspace.. =) U going on holiday anywhr this summer?