Haha^_^I'm sleepy still but soooo happy! I got to stay home from school XD haha i crashed on the couch and mom said i could stay home as long as i clean my room XD haha the school called and my sis picked up and said she was my mom...hehe...and they didnt belive her! they thought she sounded like me XD YEA THAX FOR TRUSTING ME PPL XD lol. oh and it was just like i said....i got in the shower at exsactly 3:03am ^_^an hour after i rote my last tale and rote i would take a shower at 3am :)yay my perdictiong was correct XD for once.
Unknown Naughty
- 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
Hehe!^_^ it is 2:03am and i am soo sleepy! but i wouldnt trade the fact i awake for anything is the world! I was feeling pretty crappy when i got on earlier but i am so happy right now!! THAX KAKASHI!! lol :) haha i got my short story done^^ now all i have to do i ttell the importance to the "story elements"and there importance to the story lol. ill do that. OMG and i still have to shower...ill prob. end up doing that at like 3 lol. mom will be all like...WHO THE HELL IS IN THE SHOWER!! lol :)^_^ oh and things r better in between my two friends! so im not as stressed anymore!yay
Unknown Naughty
- 16 years, 3 months, 22 days ago
Ug trying to help ppl can be so fustrating! My friend are on the verge of breaking up. I know how much they love each other and how stressful and hurtfull it must be. but i cant make me move. I have to sit and wait for her to call me in. I wanna help but not w/out her consent. Could it really be she pushed him to far...or does it have to do w/ him. If only he'd talk and tell wats going on! Guy friends are fustrating sometimes!
Unknown Naughty
- 16 years, 3 months, 24 days ago