I love being petted and I love to pet. I try to return every pet I get. People it's just a game. I'm not going to be mad if you buy my pets. However, I will fight for my pets.
About you:
I'd love to find myself a new owner! I'm partial to sexy chicas, but I'll take what I can get. =)
Sometimes, I actually get jealous of men. It's unfair that there are so many gorgeous straight chicks out there. It's the most evil kind of tease... to catch the eye and smile of a beautiful woman and find out she's straight.
However, there a tons of equally gorgeous lesbian/bisexual women out there. And that makes it all okay. =) Unknown"~Angel~"Feisty
- 16 years, 4 months, 23 days ago
Some guys... are so ridiculous. Like this one guy. Out of nowhere last night, this guy offers me 20k points to get on cam. Then he bids on one of my auctions and reviews me poorly because I didn't send him a nude shot. I never said I'd send him a nude shot. Never even implied it. He says he should have gotten "better" for what he paid, but he shouldn't have bid then. As if I made him bid or something... Ugh. Unknown"~Angel~"Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 26 days ago
I'm hoping for some new pets and I need LOTS of points for that... =[
Vote on my auctions? pweeeze? Unknown"~Angel~"Feisty
- 16 years, 10 months, 27 days ago
Girls, do you ever have those days where you just want to forget that guys exist? I did yesterday. No one did anything to offend or upset, I just did. After a long day of classes and a failed attempt at a nap, I drowned my concerns in chocolate, danced around in mini skirts, and wound up with a big mess of clothes all over the floor. I took maybe a hundred pictures of myself. It was a pretty great day. =]
- 16 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
it was cold out today. freezing and snowing actually. decided to go AWOL from my ridiculous private college. nearly slid into a light pole and a really sexy bmw! thankfully, arrived at my destination unharmed... but going back may not be as easy. Unknown"~Angel~"Feisty
- 17 years ago
I'm alright... just waiting for the trick or treaters to stop ringing my doorbell. I mean, honestly. What happened to the rule where you don't stop at a house unless the porch light is on?