so it seems like I'm always the guy that people run to with their problems. it wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't for the fact that the only time those people want to talk to me is when they need a "shoulder to cry on." also when i am asked for help and i give them my help and things don't play out how that person planned then i get put in the middle and then everyone involved gets mad at me.
also that the majority of these so called friends that come to me for help, support, or just someone to talk to are females. and when we get to talking and they start feeling comfortable around me and act kinda like they like me. so being the guy i am, i cant really tell the difference between the two lol. so i then tell the girl that i am starting to like them and then i am treated like i have some disease and blown off until the next time they need something.
so i am writing this note just because i cant keep going on like this, keeping to myself and pretending like nothing is going on, i hate always being single and people always running off with the mouth. i am tired of always being the good guy friend for the time being. so if i am going to be your good friend then it will be all the time, not just when you need it and its convenient for you. and if i say that i feel like i am starting to like you then dont push me away or i will not be back when you need me the most.
what makes me mad is the fact that because of all this stuff and school and work i haven't really had the time to do as much community service as i use to do and i feel really bad for it. so to all those people that i have helped in the past and haven't really done much for lately, i am truly sorry and i will start my community service back up. if anyone reading this would like to join me just tell me and your more than welcome to come with me sometime
Unknown "Cutie [=" Uncertain
- 17 years, 18 days ago