My awesome year so far... No sarcasm, of course not...
So, yeah. I'm driving to work, and bwam, car goes foop... Dead. At a stop sign in front of Lowe's. Of course, I freak out like mad... Call the 'rents, call the Timmy(Brobro), and see if he can help me, since he lives close.
I sit... And laugh as retarded people honk at me. I mean, COME ON PEOPLE! I have my cautions on, and the car ain't moving. Idiots. Ah... Fun stuff. Dad calls and tells me that the Pontiac dealership will come pick it up, and here comes Brobro and Chris Gray to save the day.
We think it started, once... But no. My car is an idiot. So I strain my weak arm muscles as they push it into the Lowe's parking lot. Oh, and I didn't have a jacket this entire time. Am I an idiot or what? We leave the key for the wrecker to come get, and they take me to work.
Dad comes in as I'm working, telling me he left me his truck, and finds out... It's freaking water damage. It's going to cost a thou to fix. That's right. A FRIGGIN' THOUSAND...
Well... There goes my money.
I miss you, my 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE with illegal tint...<3...
Ignore the Ashlee head.
Unknown "MINE!" Playful
- 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago