so uh. im reading this book called i know this much is true. its 987 pages long. holy shit right? longer than the oddessy in fact. but. its about these twins and one goes scitzo. he cuts off his hand in a public library as a sacrifice (request from his god) to stop the us from starting desert storm.
it puts me in this crazy funky mood. i get all moody and really into coffee and tea. but its all good. somehow this book draws people to me. i go anywhere. and people start talking to me asking for my name and life story.
like at our local coffee shop. this guy was all onto me. buttt. thats not what i want. i was like. fuck. i love this book .stop talking.
it makes me want to write. and plant a tree. basically i become the hippie that ive always been. but the hard core extreme.
and while im on that. i think people should listen to their hearts more. and especially music.
thats why im going to be an elementary teacher. to show kids at an early age the importance of music.arts. sports. and the earth. kids are stifled nowadays.
really people. grow up. this world isnt complicated.
Unknown "DR. RED NFS" Serene
- 16 years, 1 month, 25 days ago