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Herds (lead): Hot & Sassy Tigers
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Unknown's tales
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Hostel 2 is a horrible movie!!! Never see it. Thankfully I didn't really have to watch much of it.

Now officially "dating" someone. We shall see how this goes.

I'm really tired from this weekend of running around.

I'm freezing in this computer lab, going home. Night everyone ;)!!!
Unknown "Stevii" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 21 days ago
So, am I retarded to be slightly annoyed right now that my friend came over to see me and instead is hanging out with my roommates in the living room watching LOST after I already asked him to watch LOST earlier today. Is that jealousy.... irritation... moodiness on my part.... the fact I know other than today I won't be able to see him til next weekend. I don't know, but I do DO know I'm annoyed.

Chores are finally caught up from the previous week. My stack of books on my pc keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

Yep, I'm annoyed.
Unknown "Stevii" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 24 days ago
Freaking great... Right side of throat hurts now.... AHHHH
Unknown "Stevii" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 28 days ago
I was offered a pharmacy interview... but for a satellite school of ACP;s in freaking vermont. My mom was like, " ohhhh vermont would be nice." NO... VT would not be nice. I may still go for the interview especially since I have free flight, but that's ridiculous. The other thing is that it's not even a 3 year school. I apply to ACP specifically because of its location, history, and term. Eh... I'm just ungrateful. So that was my first one. Stay tuned for upcoming interview notices.

I was on zpak all last week. I feel great now, let's all hope I don't relapse like last time. I really wonder if the amount i've been working out is having a toll on me as well. I"ve only been dancing about 3x a week, but eh... who knows.

I took a Jazz 2 yesterday to make up a missed Jazz 1 class. She had us jumping around doing freaking axles and weirdo jumps. I'm like... listen.. I have a lot of mass to be lifting on these jumps... can we take this step by step. Either way, good work out.

I have been trying to focus for this Microbiology test. I wouldn't really care about it except the fact a few of my smart friends are in the class and I can't let them show me up especially when they call me the smartest person they know. That's a lot to live up to. I'm really not smart. I just process information well. I have no natural intelligence... complete ditz. I remember when I was iq'd they told me i was statistically gifted... Which basically breaks down to me performing better than others--blah blah.. hell if I know. Actually the other day I pulled my iq junk out because i want to send it into Mensa, right... I still couldn't understand it. I understand the scoring.. just not what they're testing.

For example, my coding ability is in the 99.9%... wtf does that mean? To test for that, they had me match these symbols with letters and get as much of a coded paragraph decoded that I could in a minute. Then they take your coding scores... say with your memory score.... or whatever... and they'll say you're better than.. BLAH BLAH percentage of people at a certain task. Maybe I should be a programmer ;). It all amuses me. Everything amuses me.

To me... day in day out feels like walking through water. Everything blends together... everything is touching... yet I can only dodge slowly bad events... People are sorta the water... and it just parts ways...

This isn't coming out very well.. but I know what i'm saying in my head... and... that's all that matters at this second. ;)
Unknown "Stevii" Playful - 17 years, 1 month, 29 days ago
My throat hurts on one side. Isn't that slightly weird? I believe my glands are all swollen... so now I have to take a trip to the health and wellness center. Bahza. They are going to yell at me for not having my shots in still, haha. Does everyone like my new pic. I won that being done to it in an auction. I like those different kinds of auctions on HP. The other day I had this chick do a taro card reading for me. I thought that was pretty cool as well.
Unknown "Stevii" Playful - 17 years, 2 months, 5 days ago
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Stevi??? Are really you?
You have been given Hello (shy).
Crafted by Unknown
Mariana "♥-Mariana♥" Sad - 16 years, 3 months, 25 days ago
Mariana "♥-Mariana♥" Sad - 16 years, 11 months, 16 days ago
Thumbed ur tales
Unknown "JoJo" Playful - 17 years, 9 days ago
I hope you are fine!! See you later! and thanks for buying me again...
You have been given so happy!!.
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Mariana "♥-Mariana♥" Sad - 17 years, 12 days ago
James Bond
And like a blown out candle...she was gone...and all her pets were lost and hungry in a new world..;-(
James Bond "♥Expensive♥" Wild - 17 years, 13 days ago
Hey honey know you are not really fussed about human pets now since your new fella but here is a gift anyway!!
You have been given Audi R8 Exp.
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Unknown "~**NFS**~" Cheeky - 17 years, 25 days ago
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