I was offered a pharmacy interview... but for a satellite school of ACP;s in freaking vermont. My mom was like, " ohhhh vermont would be nice." NO... VT would not be nice. I may still go for the interview especially since I have free flight, but that's ridiculous. The other thing is that it's not even a 3 year school. I apply to ACP specifically because of its location, history, and term. Eh... I'm just ungrateful. So that was my first one. Stay tuned for upcoming interview notices.
I was on zpak all last week. I feel great now, let's all hope I don't relapse like last time. I really wonder if the amount i've been working out is having a toll on me as well. I"ve only been dancing about 3x a week, but eh... who knows.
I took a Jazz 2 yesterday to make up a missed Jazz 1 class. She had us jumping around doing freaking axles and weirdo jumps. I'm like... listen.. I have a lot of mass to be lifting on these jumps... can we take this step by step. Either way, good work out.
I have been trying to focus for this Microbiology test. I wouldn't really care about it except the fact a few of my smart friends are in the class and I can't let them show me up especially when they call me the smartest person they know. That's a lot to live up to. I'm really not smart. I just process information well. I have no natural intelligence... complete ditz. I remember when I was iq'd they told me i was statistically gifted... Which basically breaks down to me performing better than others--blah blah.. hell if I know. Actually the other day I pulled my iq junk out because i want to send it into Mensa, right... I still couldn't understand it. I understand the scoring.. just not what they're testing.
For example, my coding ability is in the 99.9%... wtf does that mean? To test for that, they had me match these symbols with letters and get as much of a coded paragraph decoded that I could in a minute. Then they take your coding scores... say with your memory score.... or whatever... and they'll say you're better than.. BLAH BLAH percentage of people at a certain task. Maybe I should be a programmer ;). It all amuses me. Everything amuses me.
To me... day in day out feels like walking through water. Everything blends together... everything is touching... yet I can only dodge slowly bad events... People are sorta the water... and it just parts ways...
This isn't coming out very well.. but I know what i'm saying in my head... and... that's all that matters at this second. ;)
Unknown "Stevii" Playful
- 17 years, 1 month, 13 days ago