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Oh Sora its horrible! I no the last time I talked to you I was rude, unwanted and my yelling was unneeded…*looks away, then at your face with a horror struck expression* but theres no time for hard feelings now!! I have to warn you! Before they find out what I’m doing.. Look Vexen and Marluxia are plotting! I was floating through some portals after out little..rave *looks away again* and I happened to wiz throuth castle oblivion..and I remembered I’d better drop by to see if Demyx was here and see about my Sitar lessens….but anyways..I portaled into the wrong room..I landed in Vexens lab..(I think I was in a closet)..then I heard his voice coming in thro the door.. I froze.. If he knew that I had accsess to the portals AND that I could get into his lab without him knowing I’d be locked up forever! I recignised his voice but I wasn’t sure of the other..then I heard the name..It was Vexuila! His and Marluxia’s second “child”! They where talking..I didn’t hear what they where talking about..they left shortly after..So i…i. got curious! *crys* I followed Vexuila with my portals…! She talked with Marluxia. What they said is below..with other info!

Parental unit #2 Vexulia
Parental unit #1 Sainas
They areVexen and Marluxia’s “children” (aka Vexen’s experimental children)
Vexen is holding on by a thread and Marluxia is threatening to kill him! I over heard him talking with [Parental unit #2] Vexulia and she asked him why he hasn’t already killed Vexen! I didn’t hear the rest of the conversation… I couldn’t hold the portal open any longer..and was scared that they would find me… I’m going to find out more about this.

I have appered in front of Vexen and I am trying to talk to him..I..I have the heart….I’m going to try and help him..and then maybe get sonme info on flower boy..and his…assassins… I can’t just let them kill him!! Don’t try to help me…I’m doing this on m own…I’d take a bullet for him…you don’t understand him like I do….plz don’t tell this to Roxas..he’ll probably find out sooner or later but…I might be gone by then…..plz…keep my heart with him..tell him I loved him if I…….good bye…sora…
Unknown "Namine-kun" Abused - 16 years, 29 days ago
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