Go to www.urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you...
1) Your name? – Sage
Word entered to the email field of a *chan (iichan, 4chan, 2chan, etc) message board so that the post is not bumped. It is Japanese for 'to lower.' It is the opposite of 'age' (ah-gay), which means to raise.
2) Your age? – 16
Legal age for fucking in the UK. (O_o)
3) Close friend? – Kameron
A skinny ass jew who looks like a mouse and sings cher, his theme song is the chihuahua movie theme song. He aspires to be a house wife.
4) Something you like? – Christmas
The celebration of the birth of commercialism... Oh yea, and Jesus.
5) Favourite colour? – Green
yes... it is most definitely referring to the marijuana... and also, upon occassion, any substance with similar uses. too, properly, of course, it is a golfing term, but that;s really not very much fun, now is it?
6) Where were you born? – Seattle
The Emerald City, a gem to the Pac. Northwest. Home to the Space-needle, Bank of America tower, Key West Arena, Safeco Field, and Seahawks stadium, it is truly an up-and-coming city.
7) Month of your birthday? – December
The month in which the hottest women are born.
Ex: That girl is FINE! She must have been born in December.
8) Last person you talked to on msn? – Nobody
The guy who found the WMD's, found a perfect solution for global warming, disproved Einstien's theroies, killed the dinosaurs, and proved alien life within 6 million miles from us.
9) Pet’s name? – Shadow
The ultimate life form who is cloned by some weird shaped scientist
10) Favorite drink? – Orange Juice
Where I come from, we use the term 'orange juice' as a sort of code for drugs of any sort.
Ex: I think I'm going to die from withdrawal of orange juice.
11) Favorite Board Game? – Life
A sexually-transmitted, terminal disease.
12) Your height in inches? – 5’9”… which makes me 69 inches (oh great…)
Eveybody can guess what came up, so I’m not gonna put it. =P
13) A sport you play? – skiing (I put in ski)
to snort cocaine
14) Title of a book you are reading? Wicked
New England slang that adds emphasis. Synonymous with really, very and hella.
15) Favorite class? Health
The slowest possible rate at which one can die.
16) Least Favorite class? AP World History
n impossible class that results in sleepless nights, ruined GPAs, failing grades. Death. But it will teach you more about history, economics, culture, social hierarchy, politics and you guessed it ... history than any other class - if u make it out alive. Usually taken by sophomores who don't know how hard AP classes are, but honestly the first AP is always hell so it's usually better just to get it over with. Also the exam is much easier than the class. (Wow, no kidding!. =] )
17) Middle name? Noelle
A superior level of intoxication, resulting in belligerence or some sort of devine sexual activity. The last stage of drunken-ness before passing out.
18) A band you like? Shiny Toy Guns
The greatest band on the face of the fricken universe. Get overr it bitchess.
19) Least favorite food? Doughnuts
The process of spinning around erratically in a car on a wintery or rainy day.
20) Instrument you play? Flute
A flute is an instument made of siver and produces a tone that is the highest in a band(tonewise that is, although if you don't breathe properly, you get light-headed and start acting funny).
Unknown "Sage" Angry
- 16 years, 2 months, 24 days ago