Well, I figure while I am rendering and importing and crap in Final Cut pro... I might as well type a little shindig in here. I am listening to my Pandora station- Regina specktor. Really its a combo between Regina Specktor and Amy Winehouse. Yes, the two in competition for that award. Amy got it.... though, I th ink Regina should have... I llooooooveeee their stuff. I actually heard some Specktor around Ohio for the first time yesterday. Weird actually, because everyone in DC is listening to her, just not in Ohio. She is fabulous, her voice can do so much. One of my favorite songs that apears on this station is Fairytale by Sarah Bareilles. She has some funny lines it it that just make me crack up... which is sorta embarrassing in the mac computer lab. With quotes like,
"Snow White is doing dishes again cause what else can you do
With seven itty bitty men? " and,
"The tall blonde lets out a cry of despair says
Would have cut it myself if I knew men could climb hair
I’ll have to find another tower somewhere and keep away from the windows. "
Not that I don't like fairy tales... anyone who knows me knows that I am a poor hopeless romantic. But the humor in the perfectness is reflected in the song-and I enjoy that.
Another song I really enjoy on this station is "Mad World" by Alex Parks, particularly the line,
"I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had"
Just thoughts on my mind
I have my glass casting final tomarow. Since I could not get a kiln... its still in wax, but hopefully i will get one and be able to make it glass. Yes, this is the project that is the head of marie antoinette on a cake.
I am currently compositing my renders of my animation, which is a new experience for me. I am very used to compositing video, but this is my first animation composite. I had to render out individual PNGs for this, because the scenes were so big that it often crashed while trying to make quicktime movies out of it. Huge bummer, but now i am putting them together as sequetial single frame movies in quicktime and then rendering them out in that program, then using those files as movie clips to edit. Sounds like a round about way to do it, and it is, however applying effects to every single frame was a pain in the ass, so i've got to do it this way.
Otherwise not much going on...
oh, you know what other song I LOVE! It also plays on my Regina Specktor station on Pandora, it is "Woodstock" by Alice Smith. She describes exactly how i feel when i get back from my boyfriends place for the weekend.
Anyways, back to what i was doing, or at least typing about what I was doing while it renders.... My animation will be a min. It is about ear anatomy and done with a toonshadder. eh. It works. Its aimed at little kids, which isnt normally my best demographic. The requirement was a min, but the song that I am animating to is longer. My plan was to do the whole song, but it looks like that wont happen. Maybe i will finish it, for portfolio reasons, this summer while I make money designing web pages. When I get a chance, possibly this week or if not, this summer, I will load the animation to my web page. Hopefully along with some video work as well.
I hate being at school this late. I really do. For my own sanity I like to be home by 9. Otherwise I go into over-stress mode- like I did last night. Ug. Panic Attacks. I hate them. Not to mention I get very tired when I am at school this late.
You know, I am just rambling, there is no true point to this "tale" I guess. But then again, pointless stories are sorta my thing. At least this way, if you are bored, you just stop reading and I never know. Doesnt work that way in person.
I tell so many stories people say i should write a book. Yeah, in my free time. Well, truth be told, ive started it- by taking video of my grandfather telling stories and such. Most of my stories are based on my experiences or my families. And, honestly, my family stories are much more exiting than my own. How can you beat a great uncle who had a glass eye and used to stick it in martinis. Ha HA. Must be where I get my liking for martinis. We won't talk about what other habits I have developed that are probably related to the glass eye. That is on my Dad's side. His side is a little more story full- not sure if that is because they were more exiting, or didnt mind the embarrassing stories as much as my mother's more conservative side. On my dad's side there is also supposedly an escaped Irish Convict who ran to America and changed his name. How cool, huh?
On my other side of the family, I have Swedish sailors faking their death to be with their future American bride and German cyclists.
My personal stories are more about travels and such. Nothing so dramatic as being the child left on an Irish woman's doorstep after some gypsies had come through town. That is my great great grandmother on my fathers mothers side story. But I suppose I can claim it as my own, because where does one's story truly start? At birth? Conception? Parents lives? Grandparents lives? They all play into it. And then the question of how do you define "your" story? Do you limit to what you can remember? Or stories that people tell you of when you were a kid and things you did. And if you include the stories that people told you of when you were young; it is very legit to include stories of your family members. And then... the other big question. Define family for me. My goodness. I certainly have friends I would consider family- Amber R. for one. and then, future family, such as that of a future husbands family. Good grief, it may simply be an un-ending saga.
I am getting hungry
really hungry
im pretty far with compositing though. I seem to be missing a render, however. Not sure how that happened. i will take it home and render there, and then composite scene 2. Ive got scene 1 and 3 done in final cut. Then I need to do 2. Then peice them together, and then to After Effects, cuz thats what the prof wants it in. eh, Im just lucky to have had final cut training. Others are simply rendering out and not doing much to composite. im doing some lighting stuff and things you can do only in final cut. I have a nice glow on my sound waves... If i do say so myself. Anyways... I do believe im done for the night.
Unknown "Squared" Loyal
- 16 years, 10 months, 11 days ago