Guh. It's been a week since I've been on here, officially. :(
To anyone who's waiting on a postcard: I sent them out three days ago. However, our post office didn't even have stamps the first day I went over there, so they might not even have got them out yet (they're really screwed up..) but I'm really sorry for the wait.
What's happened in the past week:
- Band started. Which took 11 hours of every day Monday-Friday. (I set a personal record for how early in the season I can hyperventilate; 4 days. :[ )
- My lizard died last night. He is now a skin covered skeleton with no eyes, and the picture of him in his cage like that haunts me.
- I realized a couple of my friends were using me for gas and money.
- I got my ears pierced again.. thirds and a cartilage :)
- My great-aunt is staying at my house for who knows how long. She is so obnoxious.. not to mention rude, loud, hateful, annoying, loud, annoying, loud, annoying.. grr.
- By the second week of August I'll have been enlisted in the air national guard. (First week I'm taking the ASVAB and the physical).
Oh and p.s.: Forbidden Kingdom is a terrible movie. I advise against seeing it.
Noemi "Noemí" Peaceful
- 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago