I guess I feel like I have reached a low point in life when really it should be a high point. I have just graduated college with my bachelor of science in business administration with a concentration in marketing, man that is a mouth-full...so I guess Yay Me...but with the current job market here in the U.S., it just feels like well big freakin deal..
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another thing, if I can reach deep deep down into my self and go to the library and ask my friend out will I be better off? I always seem to become captain puts- foot- in- his mouth- boy and then scampers off and hides. I do not know what is wrong with me...maybe I do not want to ruin a good "friend" relationship or my shyness forces me into an awkward sense of being...crap, I know I can flirt better than average with the fairer and more intelligent sex but why can I never take the next step and ask that girl out...moreover I wonder if she is still single?
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Smart,pretty, and single girls are hard to find anywhere (I do not really care for physical athletic prowess or whether some one is the skinny cheerleader type... especially the cheerleader type, absolutely hate that type of girl, usually, (not always, there were and probably are a couple exceptions) they are blonde or thinking of going blonde in the worst way possible...I guess, and mom and all of her teacher friends say I was born into the wrong century, era, or time period...to put it simply...I think I may be a romantic but may come off a slightly an arrogant snob. I like reading books, especially the classics. I like listening to opera and classical music. I like rock, punk, and alternative, as well. I love political philosophy and law. I love reading, reciting, and creating poetry, as examples below or from previous tales. I watch tv shows and movies that most my friends consider off the beaten path...well they are not really my friends just people that are a mean to an end, because that is really how they treat me...it is always that they need something from me ... usually my time...a true friend ask for nothing in return except camaraderie and companionship and my job as a friend is to do the same... but that has not been apparent in any one I know for a long long time...but I digress because the world is built on and runs on superficiality and would collapse if some one deep came along, yep the whole fabric of reality would be crushed...back to my description I love going to museums, especially art museums. I love the outdoors. I appreciate the forest and the beach because I live in an arrid dessert like place but still it is my home, it was where i was born and raised, i may insult it from time to time but i will defend it because it is something that i have come to know and love. maybe some of this should go into the description but you as a person, a human being, an animal that eats, sleeps, defecates, loves, mates, and comforts ad etc, is ever changing...
well that is my little spin on things for now
hmm...will I ever ask anyone out 0.0...?
well i am still young barely a quarter of a century old I have life yet to find that out
after all there are many many different types of people in the world that I have yet been able to meet...
here is to any one and everyone who wants to read and survived reading this randomly jumbled juxtaposition of antithetical wild emotional thought and dissertation of my current life.
Unknown "tired mouse" Serene
- 16 years, 6 months, 21 days ago