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Denis Giron | - Free online hangout and friends
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Denis Giron
Denis Giron

Denis Giron, 37/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:5:14 PM
Join date:16 years, 8 months, 10 days ago
Location: Manila Philippines

About me:
I may look scary since my neutral face is set in angry mode, but i can be one of the nicest guys you can meet. I will only act like an asshole to other assholes. I enjoy drawing, drinking, and loves karaoke even though i am not goot at it at all. I am an insomniac and wish that I could sleep anytime I want. I am usually passed out at school due to lack of sleep. I hate losing in video games and other games for that matter. I like cats. I have a cat named Dog. I also like turtles and consider them cute. I once stepped on a leech without any shoes. Leeches are gross and feels sticky when you step on them. I usually go off topic and confuse myself. I am confused right now.
About you:
Anyone who can chang my negative perception and is not an ass.
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): Cat Gun!, Cat Gun!
Don Henry Abe
Don Henry Abe
182832 pts
27110 pts
19629 pts
8463 pts

"Toblerone "
50 pts

50 pts
Denis's tales
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Denis Giron
Since someone liked what I said so much, I'll just post it in my tales. This is a Denis Giron original HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

" The curse of being attractive is that friendship with the opposite sex is quite short lived because of circumstances where infatuation is mistaken for love, and the subject of love makes friendship an awkward relationship."

Denis Giron Perplexed - 15 years, 11 months, 11 days ago
Denis Giron
My siesta turned into 13 hours of sleep........

I FEEL GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Denis Giron Perplexed - 15 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Denis Giron
I saw her from a far
Her skin took my attention
Skin of such vibrant color.
I approached her step by step
My mouth watered
My eyes grew wider
For every inch I get near her
At last, I was but a fingers length away from her
Her fragrance consumed my thoughts.
Then the beast inside me has awoken
I peeled her yellow dress off
little by little and met no ressistance from her
I saw what was underneath, a lush and beatiful body
My lips aproached her fragrant skin
And started to take a bite off her flesh
Juices started to pour out of her
My clothes were stained
I did not mind
the dripping juices that covered my mouth
As i was feasting I bit on something hard
Must have been a bone or something like that
Eventually she resembled nothing like before
All that remained were a piece of bone with a nibbles worth of flesh
She was gone, but I was unsatisfied
Another one perhaps?
Maybe another one is waiting for me
A lonely one with no purpose in life
But to be consumed by me

RIP Mango

Denis Giron Perplexed - 15 years, 12 months ago
Denis Giron
For some reason, I have a very precise sense of how people actually look at me.

I know those who like me, I know those who hate me
I know those who are laughing with me, I know those who are laughing at me
I know those who finds me cool
I know those who puts an L on their forehead behind my back

Tricking me will be very difficult because before you know it, you have fallen into my trap

Denis Giron Perplexed - 15 years, 12 months, 1 day ago
Denis Giron
Once I learn to love myself, thats when I can love another
Denis Giron Perplexed - 15 years, 12 months, 4 days ago
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Lyz Sierra
Love has no boundaries You have been given Love has no boundaries.
Crafted by Jason Mergel
Lyz Sierra "My Shadow" <3 - 15 years, 5 months, 25 days ago
Lyz Sierra
i think i've given you this already denis, but i think you deserve to have it again. >.< rawr!! i miss you dear friend!! D:
i haven't been on here much. and by the looks of it, neither have you. lol though you've been on much more than i have >.< but still. rawr! i think... any who. i decided to leave this message cuz i couldn't believe that i've not posted anything in almost 80 days!!! wth kind of owner am i!! bad me! >.<
so here is a new post. all the things this little thingy item says are true. you are my bestie after all. even if you are so damn far D:
Thank You For Being My Friend... You have been given Thank You For Being My Friend....
Crafted by Waiting4JesusRU
Lyz Sierra "My Shadow" <3 - 15 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
Lyz Sierra
i know right, >.< but there's nothing else to dooo!!!
hope you're having sweet dreams and stuffsss rawr!
i'm off to work on projects and stuff... ghey... i gotta take pics of the familia and stuff, and then upload them, and then print them, and then glue them all pretty like onto a poster, and then write stuff (which will most likely sounds like nonsense) and then yeah... rawr! oh yeah! emm... i forgot. nvm >.<
i hate hate hate allergies Denis. i wish they would die >.< rawr! and em.. yeah, not sure what else to write, but i usually like to make these things long, just to make you read them. >.< yay me! okay, i think i'm off now. rawr! *blows nose* ew, boooogers D: hahaha!!
okay, adios Denissssssssssssss *cough* sssssssss >.<
:D <3
Lost in Thought You have been given Lost in Thought.
Crafted by Unknown
Lyz Sierra "My Shadow" <3 - 15 years, 10 months, 11 days ago
Lyz Sierra
i totally poked your eye!!
Life is pain You have been given Life is pain.
Crafted by Mr Norton
Lyz Sierra "My Shadow" <3 - 15 years, 11 months, 2 days ago
Hallie Brown
oh goodness, I'm so sorry. I kinda took a little break from HP. lol. I've been busy as usual! Well my play went GREAT, couldn't have been any better. Now I'm in a new play, which is why I'm so busy haha. What have you been up to bud?
Hallie Brown "Loxxy's Lil Sis" Dazed - 15 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
Lyz Sierra

For those Penguins lovers You have been given For those Penguins lovers.
Crafted by Vince
Lyz Sierra "My Shadow" <3 - 15 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
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Denis's shop
My Shop....BITCH!

A place where you will shop and give me imaginary money

Purple Dude
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200 pts
Purple Dude
Bought by 1 people
Haunted Doll
1 use

200 pts
Haunted Doll
Bought by 4 people
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200 pts
Bought by 5 people
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200 pts
Bought by 8 people
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200 pts
Bought by 23 people
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200 pts
Bought by 7 people
Dance with me!
1 use

200 pts
Dance with me!
Bought by 11 people
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200 pts
Bought by 4 people
5 million pesos
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200 pts
5 million pesos
Bought by 4 people
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200 pts
Bought by 10 people

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