Hello My name is Miss comfort.I am a woman I was impressed when I saw your profile today, I became interested in you, I also like to know more about you that when I have something important to discuss with you, and I like to establish a relationship you.and lasting if you can write with my contact address, I'll give you my pictures, this is my address (comfortandrew78@yahoo.com.sg) I think we can move from here I am waiting for your response, Please contact me directly to my address ( comfortdddddddandrew78@yahoo.com.sg ) distance or color does not matter but what matters is the love award, please write me at the site
"Dee-licious♥"My heart is home ♥
- 16 years, 24 days ago
Hey Ken, I think you'll find you'll have alot of fun here! Should you decide you want to get thing set up, let me know, I'll help you. HP is way better than FB. If you want to get to my page just click on my pic. The first thing you hould do is go directly to www.humanpets.com and log in by merging you FB Human pets directly to the main website and go in from there. We should have another FB wine rendez-vous when Linda gets back from Columbia.