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"Imaginary muffin"

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Public Service Announcement:

I'm a figment of Christina's mind, I'm not real. Let's all look at another train wreck, yeah?
Unknown "Imaginary muffin" Feisty - 16 years, 5 months, 10 days ago
A fun little exercise meant to be 'clever but pointless' for the poetry part of English class. Limerick is next and I'm already walking along brick walls reciting famous ones.

Clever but pointless:
Tick. Tock. The gears of a clock.
Wind, whir, set in.

Knock. Knock. Keys in a lock.
Twist, turn, let in.
Unknown "Imaginary muffin" Feisty - 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
England needs to stop raining on my parade. It wasn't fun to wear heavy goth make-up just to have it partially smear down my face. However, I can't complain too much because that store keeper gave me an extra hot cross bun just for being a not-so-ignorant American.

Probably because I grew up overseas.

The pictures are on my Camera. It's your move.
Unknown "Imaginary muffin" Feisty - 16 years, 5 months, 20 days ago
Once upon a time.

She laughs instead of crying
because no one really knows the
and she wonders when someone will
finally come
to save her.

And he appears.

Weak and useless and full of potential
and begging for the chance to
to himself
and her
that maybe his silly ideas aren't so silly

She doesn't bother with people like that
never has
he isn't an exception
but somehow he manages
cut through the vines
and find
a crack in the wall
and slip in.

He didn't really mean for it to happen
he hadn't expected this anyway
maybe she's not as cold
or as ruthless
as everyone thought she was.

Now he knows
now he's upset because he hadn't been seeing her
in the beginning
and he's been betrayed and he can't
take the way her voice is so sweet when
she says his name
when she wouldn't bother to give him the time of day
only weeks before.

They got along
and he didn't expect that
wanted to know why and when he asked
his heart sped up and this piece inside of him was triggered
a switch had been flipped and he began to
the patterns.

She was only like this for certain people
she saved herself and her heart for them
and he was included now
and not ready for the love she showered
so he retreated
and hid
and ignored her when she said she loved him
and he was okay with that
until the day he realized she stopped saying it.

That's not fair.
He'd gone through the same tests and procedures
as everybody else
and just because he had showed
that he didn't want it
she didn't give it?
How did that make sense?
Shouldn't she say it until her throat can't
make even

They were good friends now
and he was beginning to think he didn't want to be 'friends' anymore
he wanted something else
something bigger
but he doesn't know that she can't do it
her heart isn't ready for that
it never was
never will be
but he tries anyway
even though he knows full well
that it's impossible
and so all he can do is pick fun at her
and show others how well they know each others
clock work
and people are jealous
but they don't understand
that what could've been
can't be
neither of them knows what it means to sacrifice themselves
and they both know
and that's what makes it hard.

She loves him.
He loves her.

End of story.
Unknown "Imaginary muffin" Feisty - 16 years, 6 months, 20 days ago
No more of that.

Got it?
Unknown "Imaginary muffin" Feisty - 16 years, 6 months, 22 days ago
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Maybe I should simplify it, then? Your veracity is doubtful, we've established this, yes? Furthermore, the only one vouching for your existence is Christina. A sweet girl, at least to me, but not a nice girl either. She has a history of lies, and she's tied into you closely. By her own admission, she can access your accounts, which only throws further shadows of doubt. In fact, there's a whole bucket load of reasons why I should doubt you, without even stepping into basic things like common sense, or personal history.

Now, I've been ignoring the matter of your actual existence for as long as I've known you. It didn't matter. Why should it? We hardly know each other. But here's the thing; it does actually matter. Not because I expect something of you, either.

There's no delicate way of putting this; I'd rather believe you were real. Because the alternative is that Christina is either schizoid, or just a compulsive liar. One of which necessitates psychiatric help, the other necessitates a good back-handing. And considering her history, well... You see where I'm going.

The point of this, rather than just not caring like everyone else? Well, maybe I'm just a nice guy who goes straight up the middle, and is confrontational. Maybe I'd prefer that someone I know either gets some credibility, or called on their bullshit/psychosis and starts doing something constructive about it rather than living vicariously through an imaginary boy and wish fulfillment fantasies. Credibility would be nicer, though, certainly. And that's why you should prove your existence, if you can. You care about her, after all.

As for me? Well... I've had enough of fake boys, I think you'll find. Ask around if you don't get it. I won't stay friends with an apparition, either.

Peace out.
You have been given ♥ Blown Kisses ♥.
Crafted by Kumiko
Unknown "Heaven's End" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 2 days ago
Don't be sad. Sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. Even more so, nothing will have changed anyway, right? I know you. I don't even have to get that phone call to know that you're upset. That's how I know for certain that you are.

They come and go, you know that. I'll be consistent and I'll hold the darkness back. This is why, Blake. This is why you're so attached to me. Even if you were lying about who you were, you've helped me a bunch and when you asked me to be your friend and I said 'yes' I didn't mean 'with a condition'.

Gimme a ring. Right now you probably really need it and hey? You left that candy tin you were so excited about. Want me to send it to that one friend of yours? All I remember was you grinned and handed it to me saying something about Andrew- what was that about?

Love me if you dare?
You have been given Rawr means ILU in dinosaur <3.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Protège" Perplexed - 16 years, 5 months, 3 days ago
A short one, this time. Out of necessity, I think. A simple demand, now.

Prove you're real.

Sorry about this, but it's necessary. Multiple reasons. Best not explained.
You have been given ♥~With Love~♥ .
Crafted by Pamelia Shiori
Unknown "Heaven's End" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 3 days ago
I won't be complimenting you on your looks, what with not having gotten a good look at you. Feel free to pose and preen all you like, though; I won't stop you.

I'd rather you weren't a ball pit. I'd be unable to stop myself from playing with you when people aren't looking, if you were. And then someone would see me, and all I'd have is "Uhh... This totally isn't what it looks like." only, what would it look like? And then there'd probably be some kind of awkward silence, I suppose. I don't think I have any kind of point here, in case you're wondering. Just be dazzling, I think. That'd be fun.

So, what can I tell you? I'll not be leaving by travel, since I'm already gone. And leaving by gurney seems pretty unlikely, you'll find; I've got this annoying thing where I'm kind of indestructable. I just don't die, even when I'm supposed to, and keep on ticking even when all my clockworks are broken. Really, the only place I'm going is likely closer; I'm migrating the hell out of here, and since I'm on the other side of the world, anywhere I go is closer. Neat, huh?

Heartless. I've heard that one about a thousand times before, and it's never once been true. People just tick in different ways. I'll make it over that wire just fine, I think you'll find.

I'm just going to laugh at you now, I think. That gets pretty boring after a while, you'll find. Especially when they always expect you to pin them to that wall. People are easily addicted to that sort of thing, and before you know it you'll find them just basking in your affection, and never giving back.

D'aww, isn't it adorable? Afraid to break. You're in luck, kiddo. I've got a soft spot for broken people, you see. I like what makes them the way they are, and when you stick all the pieces back together, and keep the world from smashing them again they turn into such beautiful creatures. For the right people, I've got all the super-glue and scrunched up newspaper they can handle. And it's nice when they realize that they don't need that anymore, after a while. Vindicating.

Yeah, maybe some time. Laugh it up, in the meantime. I know I do; there's just something about it all. I think it's just how badly I don't fit into it all. A comedy of contrasts, or some such. I don't think anyone has ever been quite so glad to be a bit of a black sheep.

Once again, I'll live. Salt is hardly a worry, all things considered. You'll learn. Or you won't, at least not in the metaphorical sense. It won't be a problem.

As long as little Timmy doesn't goad me, he'll be just fine. I'm rather kindly, but don't push it. I have my limits, and beyond them is... Another story. I like it ambiguous. It's nicer that way.

You'll be disappointed in me, then. I don't know Dick Tracy lines, so I won't appreciate them. Not only that, but I find my feet pretty well, so even if you catch me by surprise I'll probably still think it's neat. That's if you catch me by surprise; I like going up the middle, myself, so maybe we'll just get along famously.

Funny thing, about people and maths; one and one doesn't equal two. It just equals one and one. Two means that you've clicked, that it's something more than casual banter. And likely that you have some kind of regular contact, I suppose. So... Hard luck, I guess? I won't forgive you just because you're cute, either. You're being held accountable for your disappearances. What use is cute anyway, if you can't keep it?

Give me your flirty gifts, sure. Just don't try to convince anyone you're not gay anymore, hmm? Oh, also... Damn that woman. She gave you that nickname before I could buy you and force it upon you. All my plans, laid to ruin!

...Yeah, for you, closet-case. You know you love it.
You have been given ♥Lick♥.
Crafted by Kumiko
Unknown "Heaven's End" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 3 days ago
It's an odd thing, that I enjoy writing to you. There's no tedium to it, like so many others. It's rather pleasant, really. Err... That's an odd way of saying "Don't worry about the delay. Welcome back." isn't it? Anyhow, where were we? Being open, that was it. I don't think being open necessarily has to mean dumping all your personal things onto someone, giving them all of it and letting them play in it like kids in a ball pit. It can just mean saying everything you're thinking at any point in time. But of course, that restraint is necessary; it's weird when people you're not sure you can trust know what you're thinking.

I'm left in an interesting position here. I could just try to stop making you smile with what I write, I suppose. But then, I enjoy writing to you, and I suspect I'm too selfish in that regard to just stop. So I suppose I have to work out what would make you smile so much that you'd forget that sinking feeling.

I'm... Cold most of the time? Left in the cold, that is, not... Y'know, heartless. I'd say the same thing, about someone and promises, but that doesn't necessarily mean you won't still end up left in the cold. I suppose if I add in a qualifier about finding someone I could accept the promise from and that also wouldn't later break it, then it's much the same. The rest is true enough of myself too, much to my confusion and self-doubt. I'm rather used to things being complicated, and that's one thing that just isn't. It's sort of confronting, in some sense, as well. Something about needing another person that way, to be happy? It feels like it shouldn't be true.

Yes, it is something I'd say. I'm the kind of man who often feels alone in a room full of people, because of that. I'm not opposed to taking the easy path either, but I've learned that the complicated one is the road I usually have to walk to get anything of worth.

Ah, your temper. I've got mine on a tight leash, with a choke chain and all. I try to never full let it go, because it is a mean thing. Very mean. What can I say to you? People are a pain in the ass that way. You're just going to have to come to deal with it, I guess. As for the ones you care about... I don't know. Maybe they're not all so fragile as you think?

I started in a small town, in the middle of nowhere, with my grandparents. It wasn't so bad to begin with; I really liked them, at least to begin with. It helped that it meant I got a little attention, past my brothers and their everpresent troubles. However, alcoholism sort of ruined that. And then the reality of the place was a little harder to bear, what with my brothers' extreme violent and destructive tendencies and the nature of the rest of the populace. They didn't like cops, and being a cop kid meant I was just as bad. Combine it with redneck attitudes and and average temperature of about 122 degrees and you've got a basic idea of why I'm never looking back.

I doubt you'll get bothersome. I'm pretty certain I'm bothersome myself, you see. As for salt, wounds and all of that, well... I'm hard-wearing. Pain-tollerant. I'll live.

Wait. I'm a mean guy, am I? I'm sort of amused by that. Yes, I tend to be considerate of friends, but... Heh, nevermind. Yep, I'm mean. Terribly mean. Rawr, lock up your kids everyone, else I'll eat them. Grr.

Intuitive and oblivious, hmm? That's a pretty dangerous combination, I think. You probably catch a lot of people off guard, because you're not nearly as calculated and cunning as they're expecting you to be. Blindside them by going straight up the middle. Well, at least I've got some good news for you; I'm not afraid to be blunt, if I need to be. It's hard to be oblivious if someone is being as subtle as a sledgehammer.

I still have a few gifts to sift through, before all I'm left with are ones designed to be sent in a lovesick muddle. Although I could probably use them anyway, considering you don't seem to realize that sort of thing. Convenient.

That little bird would be right. It's not a good thing to have in common, though. Well, not unless you're in a position to, and of a persuasion to want to fix it for each other.
You have been given Nine Lives.
Crafted by Unknown
Unknown "Heaven's End" Cheeky - 16 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Because it hurts, Blake. That's why. Being around you, talking to you, it all makes me so sad. How could you do that to me? The fuck is the matter with you?

I told you how I feel and you don't care. Other people aren't the problem, don't make it seem like I'm holding out for someone else. Sure, there are people I want but you're on the list so stop making this so hard on me. I want everyone to walk away happy but no one will. I hate you so much.

You'd tell me to be selfish then, so at least two people could be happy, but I can't do that. I can't enjoy myself knowing that I'm the reason someone else is miserable. I don't enjoy it now, when you're the one, why would I want to do it to someone else?

I wanted so badly for someone to like me and after waiting so long it just happens out of thin air and with multiple people. You know me like clockwork. I can't love someone who loves me more than I love them. If I'm always chasing them, it's fine. If they're chasing me, then it's tedious and it has to stop now. If I had a boy I wouldn't even know what to do with him.

Much as you already know, what with the way you had me against that wall and I cried. Do you remember that I cried or do you only remember the look I gave you? So what if I want to have sex with you? Christ, talking to you always makes me seem like such a bad person.

Figure me out. You seem to be the only one who can. What am I doing wrong with you? Why can't you just... Damn it. That's not even it, is it? Why can't I let you go, Blake? Shit, this is absolutely my fault. I know it is. Who could walk away from the person they like staring at them that way? I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
You have been given Sometimes..
Crafted by captain blood
Unknown "Protège" Perplexed - 16 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
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Spit that out.

It's only rancid for the first couple of seconds. Give it time.

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