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"Lovely star"

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Herds: Celtic Thumbs
"Frisky Tease"
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Unknown's tales

Happy New Year to all my friends, pets, and fellow herd members- the Celtic Thumbs!
Have you ever read a poem that you just couldn't forget? I've read and studied poetry for years - and yes, I'm an Junior High English teacher, so I still read and - and Margaret Sangster's "The Sin of Omission" touches me deeply. Emily Dickinson once said that if you read a poem and you feel like the top of your head is coming off, it's a poem you should always carry in your heart; this poem fits that role for me.

It isn't the thing you do, dear,
Its the thing you leave undone
That gives you a bit of a heartache
At setting of the sun.
The tender work forgotten,
The letter you did not write,
The flowers you did not send, dear,
Are your haunting ghosts at night.

The stone you might have lifted
Out of a brother's way;
The bit of heartsome counsel
You were hurried too much to say;
The loving touch of the hand, dear,
The gentle, winning tone
Which you had no time nor thought for
With troubles enough of your own.

Those little acts of kindness
So easily out of mind,
Those chances to be angels
Which we poor mortals find
They come in night and silence,
Each sad, reproachful wraith,
When hope is faint and flagging,
And a chill has fallen on faith.

For life is all too short, dear,
And sorrow is all to great,
To suffer our slow compassion
That tarries until too late:
And it isn't the thing you do, dear,
It's the thing you leave undone
Which gives you a bit of heartache
At the setting of the sun.

Words to live by, right :)
Unknown "Lovely star" Tender - 16 years, 2 months, 28 days ago
Copy and paste ...but remember to erase my answers and put ur own in!

1. Are you happy? sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not...
2. Kissed someone on humanpets ? no
3. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? Yes
4. Kissed someone without knowing their name? no
5. Stayed up all night with a stranger? no
6. Slept at an airport? no
7. Hit someone? Yes
8. Sang karaoke? No
9. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Yes!
10. Have had or would get plastic surgery? No
11. Are you in love? sigh...i wish
12. Have a tattoo? no
13. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? No
14. Broken a bone? yes...two...ankle and wrist
15. Been injured while drunk? No
16. Hidden your feelings to save the feelings of others? of course...
17. Played a prank on someone? Yes
18. Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? Yes
19. Ever kissed a member of the same sex? not sexually
20. Sabotaged someone else's happiness for your own? No
21. Been proposed to and said no? No
22. Do you love Animals? Yes, I have a zoo at my
23. Kissed a cop? No
24. Kissed a Fireman? No
25. Been to court? Yes
26. Been in the back of a paddy wagon? no
27. Love someone you shouldn't? what do you mean by love...
28. Think about the future? Always
29. Believe in love? Yes
30. Sleep on a certain side of the bed? yes
31. Kissed in the rain? Yes
32. Donated blood? Yes
33. Kissed someone you didn't like? No
Unknown "Lovely star" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 1 day ago
Christmas is a fun-filled time for most peeople, but I often feel really blue at this time of year. I lost my husband on Nov. 6, 2006, and it has forever cast a bittersweet cloud over the holidays. My faith in God and his plan for me has anchored me these past two years, but I still miss Larry so much. I miss the closeness, the security, the trust, the ability to cast all my cares and doubts his way, and the comfort he offered me in the most worrisome of days. Sometimes I really struggle to fight the urge to withdraw into a lonely shell, but the desire to know love again in my life prevents me from doing so. This desire is hard to describe, but I've found a poem that puts my feelings into words very eloquently. Why do I seek love? Why do I crave a lover's embrace? Read this poem, and maybe you'll understand...

- Because She Would Ask Me Why I Loved Her - written by Christopher Brennan

If questioning would make us wise
No eyes would ever gaze in eyes;
If all our tale were told in speech
No mouths would wander each to each.

Were spirits free from mortal mesh
And love not bound in hearts of flesh
No aching would yearn to meet
And find their ecstasy complete.

For who is there that lives and knows
The secret powers by which he grows?
Were knowledge all, what were our need
To thrill and faint and sweetly bleed?

Then seek not, sweet, the If and Why
I love you now until I die:
For I must love because I live
And life in me is what you give.

Unknown "Lovely star" Tender - 16 years, 3 months, 8 days ago

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Unknown "Yvonne's Jeff" Adventurous - 16 years, 1 month, 6 days ago
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Alexander Graesser "Flambeaux" gone! - 16 years, 1 month, 17 days ago
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Angel Kisses

I love angels and angel graphics! Enjoy!

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