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Amanda Kenney
Amanda Kenney
"Black Roses Red"

Amanda Kenney, 35/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:03 PM
Join date:16 years, 7 months, 23 days ago
Location: Veazie, Maine United States

About me:
I'm 21. I'm never on here. I am a lesbian. I live in Maine and I go to school, I am currently earning a bachelor's degree in Journalism and I have a minor in English. This means that I enjoy people who can punctuate and spell properly, but I know that no one is perfect. It's mostly when people "typ Lyk dissssss" as a serious attempt at communicating that turns me off. That's about it. Also, I love Paramore. I have 10 piercings including an industrial, my left nostril, my right lower lip, my septum, and my upper and lower navel. The rest are ear piercings, 2 of them regular lobe ones and 2 of them are in my left ear cartilage. I love piercings.
About you:
People of the non-creepy persuasion are welcome. : )
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Gay
Herds: *Bi and Lesbian Girls*
Amanda's tales
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Amanda Kenney
Give me thumbs. Points are good.

I'm a lesbian.

Amanda Kenney "Black Roses Red" Tired - 15 years, 10 months, 16 days ago
Amanda Kenney
i took my girlfriend out to eat last night. it was nice. we went to the glbt meeting on campus too. yeah.

i love her so much. i know everyone writes about how much they love this person or that person, but i truly do mean it. we fit really well together, and i want to make it my goal in life to make sure that she's happy. i know that no one can be happy all of the time, but i want to make it so the majority of her time is spent being happy. i am willing to spend the rest of my life with her, so i hope she is willing to have me around that long.

Amanda Kenney "Black Roses Red" Tired - 16 years, 19 days ago
Amanda Kenney
i got into a car accident yesterday.

it was scary. :( i need a hug.
Amanda Kenney "Black Roses Red" Tired - 16 years, 1 month, 4 days ago
Amanda Kenney
:) So yeah. I"m doing very well. my gf and I are happy as ever. our one month is on the 27th, although it feels like i've been with her forever. like. idk. i can't imagine life without her.


It's very uncommon for me to spend more than one night away from her. i had to spend two nights in a row at my own house the other night because of a snowstorm. that sucked. but yeah. idk. i love her so much. :)
she gave me the horshoe off like the first pony she ever had. this particular shoe came off once when she fell off cuz the horse was being silly. so yeah...that really meant something to her and she gave it to me. i have something to give her. i hope it isn't cheesy. lol.

we exchnaged stuffed animals, too, so i have a rabbit she's had since she was a baby. i snuggle with it when i'm not with her. ahhh. cute. but yeah. i'm really happy with her. i love my baby :)

OH YEAH. I got another piercing. so now i have my nose, lip, random ear piercings, and the top AND bottom of my navel done. the bottom hurt like a mother fucker, but it's all good because it looks damn sexeh. haha.
Amanda Kenney
Amanda Kenney "Black Roses Red" Tired - 16 years, 1 month, 12 days ago
Amanda Kenney

i can't stop smiling right now.

but yeah.

heh. <33
Amanda Kenney "Black Roses Red" Tired - 16 years, 2 months, 4 days ago
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I just lol'd..

It's a wendy's training video ^^
Wanderer "Miss Chievous" Always ♥ - 14 years, 4 months, 25 days ago
I am here to visit you back!

How's it going?
Wanderer "Miss Chievous" Always ♥ - 14 years, 5 months, 7 days ago
Oh wow. I did not see that coming! I thought you were a deleted account. LOL. Well, it's nice to meet you then =)

I want dsl, but they don't run it way out here in the middle of nowhere ! So I'm stuck with Dial up for now. But if it's all that I can have, then I guess I'm happy with it. Way better than nothing =)

Time to pick apart your profile then... I like your pics. :) I'm currently trying to decide between Journalism and photography. But psychology has recently come to mind as well. =s Typng lyk dat turns me off too. Paramore is great. I'm in love with Hayley Williams. I want her hair. That's a ton of piercings. Super cool. I don't have any, because I'm a chicken. XD

Also, I'd like to think I am non-creepy, so if you just stop in every once in a while, or start coming on regularly, we should chat. :)
Wanderer "Miss Chievous" Always ♥ - 14 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
Haha, Amandaaaaa. I'm back on Human Pets... no one else is though. It sucks man. I have to meet people all over again. I'm gonna get you to join again.
Katie "Lord Novocaine" Wild - 15 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Gone Baby Gone

Hope You Are OK ...... You have been given Hope You Are OK .......
Crafted by Malika
Gone Baby Gone - 15 years, 8 months, 27 days ago
Gone Baby Gone

have a great day You have been given have a great day .
Crafted by Natasha
Gone Baby Gone - 15 years, 9 months, 2 days ago
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