This here be it an untold tale, a tale which may never be repeated to any man, woman, or child. For this tale is a tale of great parallax structure. So true, the truth it holds makes the mind of an average person wonder why.
Upon the great dawn of creation there was one star who had shone the brightest, out glittered the rest and had the power to change life times of lives just through mere interaction with another. This star's name was Ellentine, the star who knew no bounds to love, who could give her heart to anyone and still know love. However Ellentine was a cursed star, her life was short, and she was soon to put an end to the very life she began. And so the star weep, she weep so loud the creator of the universe heard her cries. Once the creator of the universe, Eon was his name, laid eyes upon her golden splendor he fell deeply in love with her. He too did not want the star to die so he promised he would not let her die but in return she would have to do but one thing. She must travel to many worlds and never call one place home in the form of a human. And so the star agreed to this curse because she had no other choice. The creator of the universe gave the star his heart in a golden box and said: "Never let go of it, because it is my gift to you." Because his heart would replace her own dying heart.
Thus this legend begins with the tall tale of a fallen star and her journeys that lasted for ages to come.
Unknown "gorgeous blonde" Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago