Last night Beth and I got into talking about our "scars"..Figurative and literal. I think these past two weeks have been more hell than I can handle, and as much as I'm always around people I still kind of feel alone. For once I'd like to have someone to share my poetry with, someone who'd actually enjoy it. I want to be able to talk and have someone trully listen. And I want to be loved so much that it hurts, but in a good way. Nightmares plague me, dark reminders of people who have fooled me with their masqurades. And so, I sit here staring at a screen, begging for human contact, dying to be really KNOWN. Unknown"Sionnach"Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 12 days ago
If from this rose you should venture to sip, beautiful colors may come away on your lips.
This is what my next tattoo will say...still planning what language it'll be in...Gaelic or Theban... lamens terms it means...
If you actually get to know me, you might discover something beautiful.
Yey tats!...oh and btw...Going back to Ireland in September for a few months!!! Staying in County Waterford...can't wait to lose myself in that amazing country again...mmm joyous wonder. Unknown"Sionnach"Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
By: me...o'course
For every word written, Two are read in reverse. For every lie spoken, False smiles are upheld. For every path left untraveled, Some beginnings will not begin. For every cup filled to the brim, A week is passed in blissfill ignorance. For every breath, For every tear, There are a million empty seconds. For every mile, Twenty thoughts collide. For every unhappy memory, One sunset can fill the holes. For every step, For every struggle, For every obstacle, Passion is either born or never rises.
This one, the entire point of it is five lines from the bottom....Ireland gave me made me feel complete and I can't wait to go back. Unknown"Sionnach"Wild
- 16 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
The Boondock Saints...this movie makes every girl want an Irish bad boy...and well hell it's also a good action favorite scene...when the drinks keep being pounded...things enjoy